Of all the things in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, picking a custom greeting when one of your villagers asks for one may be one of the hardest. After all, that’s why you Googled “animal crossing new horizons villager greeting ideas,” isn’t it? Yeah, we see you — there’s no shame in that! Sometimes our creative muscle just stops working. Instead of struggling for hours to come up with something witty or funny or just decent for your favorite villager to say, take a look at our ever-growing list of villager greeting ideas! We’ve sorted it alphabetically for you, plus we’ve tagged each greeting with an ideal personality (Normal, Snooty, Peppy, Sisterly, Lazy, Cranky, Jock, and Smug) it matches! Of course, you can use whatever greeting you want, but these are the personalities we thought made most sense with each greeting.
Take a look at our collection of greeting ideas and see if one calls out to you. If you don’t like any, hopefully these will help inspire you to come up with your perfect one! And if you like these, and are struggling to come up with good catchphrases for your villagers, as well, we have a villager catchphrase idea list, too!
Have your own ideas you want added to the list? Email them to us and we’ll add ones we like!
List of villager greeting ideas
Greeting | Ideal Personality |
*Sigh* | Snooty |
Alola! | Peppy |
Another autograph? | Snooty |
Ay, caramba! | Jock |
Be sure to subscribe! | Peppy |
Beauty before age. | Snooty |
BEHIND YOU! Just kidding! | Peppy |
BEHOLD! | Smug |
Bonjour. | Normal |
Boo-yah! | Smug |
Ça va? | Snooty |
Can't stop, won't stop! | Peppy |
C'est la vie | Snooty |
Charmed, I'm sure. | Snooty |
Check me out! | Jock |
Check out these abs! | Jock |
Check out these delts! | Jock |
C'mon, step it up! | Jock |
Comme une rose. | Snooty |
Cowabunga! | Jock |
Crush it with your inner thighs! | Jock |
Crushed it! | Jock |
D'oh! | Cranky |
Don't get cooked! | Peppy |
Don't have a cow, man! | Jock |
Don't mind the sweat. | Jock |
Down low! | Jock |
Drop your hips! Reach for the sky! | Jock |
Eat my shorts! | Jock |
F is for friends! | Peppy |
Feel the burn? | Jock |
Fist bump! | Jock |
Follow me on social! | Peppy |
Fus Ro Dah! | Jock |
Get a job! | Cranky |
Get off my lawn! | Cranky |
Get over here! | Sisterly |
Good to see ya! | Smug |
Gotta go fast! | Jock |
Greetings, kupo. | Peppy |
Grumble, grumble... | Cranky |
Hadoken! | Smug |
Happy day! | Normal |
Happy happy time! | Peppy |
Have you seen my mop? | Normal |
Heeey, it's my best bud! | Jock |
Hehe! Yoink! | Peppy |
Hello, Old Sport! | Smug |
Hey! Listen! | Peppy |
Hey, beautiful. | Sisterly |
Hey, handsome. | Sisterly |
Hey, heartbreaker. | Sisterly |
Hey, hey, hey! | Peppy |
Hey, kiddo. | Sisterly |
Hey, partner. | Smug |
Heyo! | Peppy |
Hi, I'm Daisy! | Peppy |
Hi, sweetie! | Normal |
Hi-diddly-ho! | Normal |
High energy, move that body! | Jock |
High five! | Jock |
Hola, amigo. | Smug |
Hot stuff, coming through! | Smug |
How goes it? | Smug |
How'd I get here…? | Lazy |
Howdy! | Smug |
How's it hangin'? | Jock |
I am an incredible genius. | Smug |
I like shorts! | Lazy |
I see you have taste. | Snooty |
I'm really feeling it! | Smug |
I'm so happy to see you! | Normal |
I'm too old for this... | Cranky |
I'm walkin' here! | Cranky |
Is it idle chit-chat time already? | Snooty |
Is that food I smell? | Lazy |
It's ya boy! | Smug |
Jinkies! | Peppy |
Kept you waiting, huh? | Smug |
Kiss the ring. | Smug |
Let's get fired up! | Jock |
Let's get those gains! | Jock |
Let's go! Kneecaps! | Jock |
Let's tone up those legs! | Jock |
Like, share, and follow! | Peppy |
Little bro! | Sisterly |
Little sis! | Sisterly |
Looking cool! | Smug |
Looking divine! Me, I mean. | Snooty |
Looking FAB! | Peppy |
Looking fresh! | Peppy |
Looking gorgeous! | Snooty |
Looking sharp! | Smug |
Lovely day! | Normal |
Lovely, aren't I? | Snooty |
MAH BOI! | Jock |
Make this quick. | Snooty |
Mamma mia! | Smug |
May the Force be with you. | Smug |
Miss me, baby? | Smug |
Mmm, donuts... | Lazy |
Move over, Marshal. | Smug |
Move over, Raymond. | Smug |
Must you be so loud? | Snooty |
My body is ready! | Jock |
My man! | Jock |
Nice weather, huh? | Normal |
No hesitation! | Jock |
Now it's Shulk time! | Smug |
Oh, hamburgers! | Normal |
Oh, hello, peasant. | Snooty |
Oh, it's you! | Normal |
Oh, look. The circus has arrived. | Cranky |
Oh, you again... | Snooty |
OMG HI! | Peppy |
OMGOOD DAY! | Peppy |
PAH. | Cranky |
Pop star, coming through! | Peppy |
Pound it! | Jock |
Push-up contest! Let's go! | Jock |
Qué pasa? | Smug |
Really? Right now? | Sisterly |
Release the hounds! | Cranky |
Respect ma authoritah! | Cranky |
Ruh-roh! | Lazy |
Sav'aaq! | Sisterly |
Say fuzzy pickles! | Smug |
Show me your moves! | Jock |
Slow down a minute! | Cranky |
Smashing! | Smug |
Snack time! | Lazy |
So… sleepy… | Lazy |
Squeeze the day! | Peppy |
Stay fresh! | Peppy |
Stay off the hook! | Peppy |
Such a nice day. | Normal |
Sun's out, guns out! | Jock |
'Sup, bro? | Jock |
'Sup, gorgeous? | Smug |
'Sup, homeslice! | Peppy |
That's like, your opinion... | Lazy |
The bugs… hunger! | Lazy |
The Dude abides. | Lazy |
There's my favorite human! | Smug |
There's my pal! | Smug |
Think you're tough? | Sisterly |
Thought I smelt ya! | Lazy |
Time to tip the scales! | Smug |
Tubular! | Jock |
Tuck in those glutes! | Jock |
Wanna see my glutes? | Jock |
We meet again, Mr. Bond. | Smug |
Well, excuuuuse me, princess! | Smug |
Well, well, well... | Smug |
Whaddya want? | Cranky |
What a beautiful day. | Normal |
What is it?! | Cranky |
What's fluff'n? | Sisterly |
What's poppin'? | Peppy |
What's the hot goss? | Snooty |
What's up, bruh? | Lazy |
What's up, my man? | Jock |
What's up? | Jock |
What's your story? | Sisterly |
When's dinner? | Lazy |
Why, hello, dear. | Snooty |
Woomy! | Peppy |
Yaaaaaas! | Peppy |
Yeah! Woo! | Smug |
Yes, darling? | Snooty |
Yes, you may stare. | Snooty |
Yo! | Jock |
You again? | Cranky |
You got any snacks? | Lazy |
You lift? | Jock |
You look like you need a hug. | Smug |
You smell that? | Lazy |
Your muscles look so happy! | Jock |
Your sweat is so shiny and beautiful! | Jock |
You're back! | Normal |
You're too slow! | Jock |
Zoinks! | Lazy |
Take care of yourself, pretty baby. | Smug |
The bugs say hi! | Lazy |
Haaaaaaay! | Peppy |
Celebrity here! | Peppy |
Hit that subscribe button! | Peppy |
Race ya! | Sisterly |
Bet ya can't catch me! | Sisterly |
Grr... | Cranky |
Race around the island! | Jock |
Pull-up contest? What? Now? | Jock |
That's what you're wearing? | Snooty |
Is it lunchtime yet? | Lazy |
Where'd this stain come from...? | Lazy |
I declare a thumb war! | Sisterly |
OH. EM. GEE. | Peppy |
Like, HAI! | Peppy |
My favorite guy! | Smug |
My favorite gal! | Smug |
Why are you so loud... | Cranky |
Oh, great... | Cranky |
For real?! | Jock |
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