Review: Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

I’m perhaps the world’s biggest fan of Luigi’s Mansion. I’ve written about the first game in the series several times here at Nintendo Wire, and had the chance to review both the 3DS remake of it and the third installment of the series back when they launched. That being said,…

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Review – Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

With all the Sega revivals in the mix, it’s nice to see the Super Monkey renaissance continue. Multiple titles have been remade since 2019, with the highlight being the full return of both the first game and its sequel in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania. Those must have done well…

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Review – Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Nintendo’s ability to get people to rebuy and replay the same games shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. The fact I’ve lost count of the amount of systems I’ve played Kirby’s Adventure on is fairly damning (for them and for me) and yet I just can’t help myself. That prevalence…

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Review – Animal Well

Categories: Reviews, Switch

It might just be my age showing, but while scouring the dark, dense labyrinths of Animal Well, I could picture a whole issue of Nintendo Power dedicated to its sprawling map. That’s how deep this well goes. Animal Well pays homage to the delicate craft of putting together a brain-tickling,…

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Review – Unicorn Overlord

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Few developers can claim to have cornered the market on an entire visual style, yet you’ll struggle to mistake a Vanillaware game for anything else. Be it the backgrounds, the characters, or the famously mouthwatering food; you know their work when you see it. The Switch has hosted a few…

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Review – Penny’s Big Breakaway

Categories: Reviews, Switch

While speeding through Penny’s Big Breakaway, the studio debut of new development company Evening Star, I could swear I was playing an underrated Sega 3D platformer from years ago. It brought me back to the ’90s and 2000s when platformers held the same weight as AAA story-centric single player games…

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Review – Mario Vs Donkey Kong

Categories: News, Reviews, Switch

You can now listen to our review if you prefer!   It’s humbling to remember that we are still very early into 2024. Nintendo is playing it pretty cool right now, but the prospect of bigger announcements looms just out of reach. Still, it’s the chill of February, and we…

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Review – Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Author: Lucas White
Categories: Reviews, Featured, Switch

The original Ace Attorney series was foundational for establishing the appeal of visual novels in western markets. Phoenix Wright’s over-the-top lawyer adventures, full of melodrama, hilarious character animations, and the dopest chiptunes ever produced for the Game Boy Advance, made for a fruitful, new chapter in Capcom’s history book. When…

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Review – Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Over the past several years I’ve made a pretty big discovery about myself in relation to video games: I absolutely love Metroidvanias. I tried and tried when I was younger to love Metroid, but something about it just didn’t click with me. I kept trying every now and then, and…

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Review – Silent Hope

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Spinoffs are a funny thing – sometimes they do so well they get spinoffs of their own. Rune Factory, originally a spinoff of Story of Seasons, is now getting its own spinoff (kind of) in Silent Hope, a roguelike action rpg that eschews nearly all of the agriculture in favor…

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