Another year, another Pokémon GO Tour. For 2024, the Sinnoh and Hisu-regions are being featured (thanks to some time-traveling shenanigans during the Season of Timeless Travels). This GO Tour will also be a free event for all Trainers (Unown appearing via Incense encounters won’t be hidden behind a paywall this time). There is a paid Masterwork Research featuring Shiny Shaymind, but beyond that, all Trainers will get access to everything else. Yet, similar to past GO Tours, there are two versions available and you can only pick one! Since this year it’s about Sinnoh and Hisui, you’ll have to pick between Diamond and Pearl versions.
Now, check out what’s happening during the GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global event with our guide below:
Pokémon GO’s Season of Timeless Travels – Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global Day 1
Begins: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 at 6 p.m. your local time.
For Day 2, check out our Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global Day 2 guide.
Pokémon debuts – Costumed Pikachus, Dialga and Palkia’s Origin Formes, and more
A plethora of new, event-exclusive, and debuting for the first time Pokémon will be featured during this year’s GO Tour event:
- Sinnoh and Hisu-inspired Pikachu:
- Akari’s Kerchief Pikachu and Rei’s Cap Pikachu: These Pikachu will be wearing the “hats” that Akari and Rei (Pokémon Legends: Arceus’ playable protagonists) wear as part of their Survey Corps uniform. These Pikachu will be appearing in the wild when the Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon rotating habitats are active. Shiny versions are also available.
- Pikachu wearing Lucas’ hat and Pikachu wearing Dawn’s hat: Matching the Costumed Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup that were available in 2021 to promote the release of Pokémon Brillant Diamond and Shinning Pearl, Pikachu will now be wearing Lucas and Dawn’s hats. These Pikachu will be appearing in the wild when the Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs rotating habitats are active. Shiny versions are also available.
- Niantic refers to Pikachu wearing Lucas’ hat as Pikachu wearing Lucas’s hat. It will be referred to as the former for this guide.
- Going forward, these Pikachu will be referred to as “Costumed Pikachu (Character Name)” rather than the exact outfit name that Niantic uses.
- Dialga (Origin Forme): Available to battle and catch in Five-Star Raids when the Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon habitats are active. If you’re lucky, you may encounter its Shiny version.
- Palkia (Origin Forme): Available to battle and catch in Five-Star Raids when the Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon habitats are active. If you’re lucky, you may encounter its Shiny version.
- Multiple Pokémon’s shiny versions will also debut globally for the first time. They are:
- Hisuian Voltorb and Hisuian Electrode: Hisuian Voltorb can be hatched from 5 km Eggs and is a Field Research catch encounter. To get a Shiny Hisuian Electrode, you’ll need to have a Shiny Hisuian Voltorb and evolve them.
- Hisuian Qwilfish and Overqwil: Hisuian Qwilfish can be hatched from 5 km Eggs and is a Field Research catch encounter. To get a Shiny Overqwil, you’ll need to have a Shiny Hisuian Qwilfish and evolve them.
- Pachirisu: Can be hatched from 10 km Eggs.
- Chingling: Can be hatched from 2 km Eggs.
- Stunky and Skuntank: Stunky can be found in the wild when the Toxic Digs habitat is active and is a Field Research catch encounter. You can also (possibly) hatch Stunky from 5 km Eggs that are obtained during the event. To get Shiny Skuntank, you’ll have to evolve a Shiny Stunky into one.
- Chatot: Can be hatched from 10 km Eggs.
- Carnivine: Can be hatched from 10 km Eggs.
- Rotom: Can be encountered when completing the Global Unlock: Ghost in the Machine Timed Research.
- Basculin (White-Striped Form): Will appear as an encounter when partaking in Routes. If you’re lucky, you may encounter its Shiny version.
Event Bonuses
- 1/2 Hatch Distance for Eggs placed in Incubators during the event
- 1/2 Stardust cost for trades
- Up to 6 Special Trades can be made each day
- There will be no limit on Remote Raids between Friday, February 23rd, 2024 at 12 a.m. and Sunday, February 25th, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. your local time!
- Increased chances of encountering Shiny Turtwig, Shiny Chimchar, Shiny Piplup, Shiny Stunky, Shiny Costumed Pikachu (all four versions), and more.
- Increased chances of hatching Shiny Hisuian Voltorb, Shiny Hisuan Qwilfish, Shiny Pachirisu, Shiny Chatot, and Shiny Carnivine from event Eggs.
- New pieces of featured music inspired by Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl created by Junichi Masuda
Diamond Version – Special Bonus
- 2× duration for Roar of Time’s Adventure Effect
- Dialga (Origin Forme) caught in Five-Star Raids will know Roar of Time (Charged Attack)
- Palkia (Origin Forme) caught in Five-Star Raids will have the chance to know Spacial Rend (Charged Attack)
Pearl Version – Special Bonus
- 2× duration for Spacial Rend’s Adventure Effect
- Palkia (Origin Forme) caught in Five-Star Raids will know Spacial Rend (Charged Attack)
- Dialga (Origin Forme) caught in Five-Star Raids will have the chance to know Roar of Time (Charged Attack)
Event Boxes
If any special event boxes or bundles are released during the event, they’ll be listed here once the event is live.
The following boxes are available via the Pokémon GO Web Store:
- Master Raid Box ($39.99): 70 Premium Battle Passes, 3 Remote Raid Passes, and 20 Rare Candies.
- Great Voyager Box ($99.99): 100 Egg Incubators and 100 Super Incubators.
Event Codes
A few offer redemption codes have been released leading up to Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global. (These codes can be redeemed on the Pokémon GO Web Store’s Offer Redemption page.) In case you missed any, they are the following:
- Unlocks the Global Unlock: Ghost in the Machine Timed Research (detailed in Road to Sinnoh event guide)
- Awards 1 Silver Pinap Berry and 1 Rare Candy
Diamon version or Pearl version
Issued before the start of the Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Los Angeles event, Trainers received a free Special Research called GO Tour 2024: Road to Sinnoh. This Special Research includes a branching “Choose A Path” section where Trainers would ultimately decide if they would encounter Dialga (Origin Forme) or Palkia (Origin Forme) in GO Tour’s Special Research. Plus, Trainers also get an event medal sporting which version they picked. Each version comes with its own set of bonuses:
- Diamond version:
- Encounter a Dialga (Origin Forme) that knows its signature attack, Roar of Time
- The Adventure Effect for Roar of Time will last twice as long.
- Dialga Candy awarded in Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global Special Research
- Pearl version:
- Encounter a Palkia (Origin Forme) that knows its signature attack, Spacial Rend
- The Adventure Effect for Spacial Rend will last twice as long
- Palkia Candy awarded in Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global Special Research
If you have yet to complete this Special Research, you can read more about it in our Road to Sinnoh event guide. Trainers who participate in the Los Angeles version of the GO Tour will be unable to pick another version, as the version they chose at the Los Angeles event will carry over. For more information about Roar of Time and Special Rend’s effects, you can check out the official Pokémon GO blog.
Rotating Habitats and Wild Encounters
Rotating habitats return for Pokémon GO Tour. Four-themed habitats will rotate per hour and will feature a variety of Pokémon. The names of the habitats and their hours are as follows:
- Bustling Boardwalk: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. local time
- Ancient Grove: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. local time
- Toxic Digs: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. local time
- Geothermal Lagoon: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. local time
Bustling Boardwalk
- The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild: Costumed Pikachu (Dawn)*, Costumed Pikachu (Lucas)*, Magnemite*, Electabuzz*, Porygon*, Ralts*, Piplup*, Starly*, Bidoof*, Burmy (Trash Cloak)*, Buizel*, Shellos (East Sea)*, Shellos (West Sea)*, Drifloon*, Glameow*, and Finneon*.
Ancient Grove
- The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild: Costumed Pikachu (Akira)*, Costumed Pikachu (Rei)*, Hisuian Growlithe*, Hisuian Voltorb*, Tangela*, Eevee*, Misdreavus*, Nosepass*, Roselia*, Turtwig*, Kricketot*, Burmy (Plant Cloak)*, Combee*, Cherubi*, and Bronzor*.
Toxic Digs
- The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild: Costumed Pikachu (Dawn)*, Costumed Pikachu (Lucas)*, Aipom*, Yanma*, Gligar*, Sneasel*, Duskull*, Shinx*, Cranidos*, Shieldon*, Burmy (Sandy Cloak)*, Stunky*, Gible*, Hippopotas*, Skorupi*, and Croagunk*.
Geothermal Lagoon
- The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild: Costumed Pikachu (Akira)*, Costumed Pikachu (Rei)*, Hisuian Qwilfish*, Hisuian Sneasel*, Lickitung*, Rhyhorn*, Magmar*, Eevee*, Togetic*, Murkrow*, Swinub*, Snorunt*, Chimchar*, Buneary*, and Snover*.
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
- There are increased chances of encountering Shiny Turtwig, Shiny Chimchar, Shiny Piplup, Shiny Stunky, Shiny Costumed Pikachu (all four versions), and more.
Incense Encounters
A variety of Unown can only be found while using Incense (not Daily Adventure Incense) during the event. The letters featured in this event spell “Sinnoh” and “Hisu” (so, H, I, N, O, S, and U). Shiny versions of each letter will be available. Yet, specific letters will only show up during certain rotating habitats (save for letters H, I, and S due to both regions using those letters).
- Bustling Boardwalk: Unown H*, Unown I*, Unown N*, Unown O*, and Unown S*.
- Ancient Grove: Unown H*, Unown I*, Unown S*, and Unown U*.
- Toxic Digs: Unown H*, Unown I*, Unown N*, Unown O*, and Unown S*.
- Geothermal Lagoon: Unown H*, Unown I*, Unown S*, and Unown U*.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
The following Pokémon will be hatching from Eggs that are obtained during the event:
- 2 km Eggs
- 1-Egg Rarity: Budew*, Chingling*, Bonsly*, Mime Jr.*, Happiny*, Munchlax*, Riolu*, and Mantkye*.
- 5 km Eggs
- 1-Egg Rarity: Hisuian Voltorb*, Hisuian Qwilfish*, Stunky*, and Gible*.
- 10 km Eggs
- 1-Egg Rarity: Pachirisu*, Chatot*, and Carnivine*.
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might hatch a Shiny one!”
- There are increased chances of hatching Shiny Hisuian Voltorb, Shiny Hisuan Qwilfish, Shiny Pachirisu, Shiny Chatot, and Shiny Carnivine from event Eggs.
Standard Raids will be active during the event.
Standard Raids
The following Pokémon will be appearing in Raids:
- One-Star Raids:
- Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs: Turtwig*, Chimchar*, and Piplup*.
- Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon: Rowlet*, Cyndaquil*, Oshawott*.
- Three-Star Raids:
- Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs: Torterra, Infernape, and Empoleon.
- Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon: Hisuian Decidueye*, Hisuian Typhlosion*, and Hisuian Samurott*.
- Five-Star Raids:
- Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs: Dialga* and Palkia*.
- Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon: Dialga (Origin Forme)* and Palkia (Origin Forme)*.
Additional Notes:
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
- Habitat Hours:
- Bustling Boardwalk:
- 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. your local time
- 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. your local time
- Toxic Digs:
- 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. your local time
- 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. your local time
- Ancient Grove:
- 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. your local time
- 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. your local time
- Geothermal Lagoon:
- 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. your local time
- 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. your local time
- Bustling Boardwalk:
Party Play and Routes
Party Play and Routes will have their own special incentives during the event. These include:
- Party Play: A dedicated Timed Research where a Regigigas* encounter is a reward. There are also Party Play Challenges that can reward your and your fellow Trainers with Regirock Candies, Regice Candies, and Registeel Candies.
- Catch 10 Rock-type Pokémon for 10 Regirock Candies
- Catch 10 Ice-type Pokémon for 10 Regice Candies
- Catch 6 Steel-type Pokémon for 10 Registeel Candies
- Routes: Basculin’s White-Striped Form* will appear on Routes. At this time it cannot be evolved into Basculegion in Pokémon GO.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Timed Research – GO Tour Photo Safaris and Legends: #0486
Multiple Timed Research quests will be active during the event. A complete list of tasks for all routes and the rewards will be shared here once the event is live.
For the Photo Safari Timed Research quests, the Lake Trio (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf) may appear in the wild. Make sure when encountering them that you take a snapshot before throwing any Poké Balls!
GO Tour: Uxie Photo Safari
- Task: Take a snapshot of Uxie in the wild
- Reward: 480 Stardust
- Completion Rewards: Uxie* Encounter
GO Tour: Mesprit Photo Safari
- Task: Take a snapshot of Mesprit in the wild
- Reward: 481 Stardust
- Completion Rewards: Mesprit* Encounter
GO Tour: Azelf Photo Safari
- Task: Take a snapshot of Azelf in the wild
- Reward: 482 Stardust
- Completion Rewards: Azelf* Encounter
Legends: #0486
- Task: Complete 3 Party Challenges
- Reward: Regigigas* Encounter
- Completion Rewards: 10 Regirock Candies, 10 Regice Candies, and 10 Registeel Candies
Field Research Tasks
There will be event-exclusive Field Research Tasks available. These Field Research Tasks can be found when spinning PokéStops (and acquired if you have an open slot in your Field Research menu) when the event is active. Some Field Research tasks may be labeled in-game as “SPACE-TIME ANOMALY” or one of the four rotating habitats. These tasks may only show up during select rotation habitats.
A complete list of tasks and rewards will be shared here once the event is live.
- Task: Power up Grass- or Ghost-type Pokémon 5 times (Ancient Grove)
- Reward: Hisuian Voltorb* OR Hisuian Growlithe* Encounter
- Task: Power up Normal- or Water-type Pokémon 5 times (Bustling Boardwalk)
- Reward: Bidoof* OR Shellos (East Sea)* OR Shellos (West Sea)* Encounter
- Task: Power up Poison- or Rock-type Pokémon 5 times (Toxic Digs)
- Reward: Gible* OR Stunky* Encounter
- Task: Power up Fire- or Ice-type Pokémon 5 times (Geothermal Lagoon)
- Reward: Hisuian Sneasel* OR Hisuian Qwilfish* Encounter
- Task: Win 3 Raids (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Reward: Hisuian Braviary* OR Hisuian Avalugg* OR Kleavor* OR Ursaluna* Encounter
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Special Research – GO Tour 2024: It’s About Time (and Space)
An event-exclusive Special Research Story will be available. There are two different versions of this Special Research – Diamond and Pearl. In addition to that, there are three branching paths: Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Pokémon reward encounters will vary between all versions and branching paths.
A complete list of tasks and rewards of this Special Research will be shared here once the event is live.
Note: Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni’s team will be 1. Shadow Persian, 2. Shadow Torterra OR Shadow Infernape OR Shadow Empoleon, and 3. Shadow Regigigas. His second choice is based on which path you chose (i.e.: picked Turtwig, you’ll face Shadow Torterra).
GO Tour 2024: It's About Time (and Space) | |
Choose A Path | Description |
Choose Turtwig | Will encounter Shadow Turtwig and have an increased chance of encountering Turtwig when Incense is activated (Daily Adventure Incense exclusion not mentioned). |
Choose Chimchar | Will encounter Shadow Chimchar and have an increased chance of encountering Chimchar when Incense is activated (Daily Adventure Incense exclusion not mentioned). |
Choose Piplup | Will encounter Shadow Piplup and have an increased chance of encountering Piplup when Incense is activated (Daily Adventure Incense exclusion not mentioned). |
Step 1 Turtwig | Reward |
Catch 15 Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region | 1 Incense |
Use an Incense | Shadow Turtwig Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Turtwig Candies, 3 Turtwig Candies XL, and 3,000 Stardust |
Step 2 Turtwig (Diamond version) | Reward |
Catch Dialga (or Catch a Legendary Pokémon) | Shadow Gible Encounter |
Power up -type Pokémon 10 times | 5,000 Stardust |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 1 Dialga Candy XL, and 2,024 XP |
Step 2 Turtwig (Pearl version) | Reward |
Catch Palkia (or Catch a Legendary Pokémon) | Shadow Gible Encounter |
Power up -type Pokémon 10 times | 5,000 Stardust |
Completion Rewards | 3 Palkia Candies, 1 Palkia Candy XL, and 2,024 XP |
Step 3 Turtwig (Diamond version) | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Shadow Scizor Encounter |
Activate Roar of Time's Adventure Effect | Shadow Honchkrow Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 1 Dialga Candy XL, and Spiritomb* Encounter |
Step 3 Turtwig (Pearl version) | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Shadow Pinsir Encounter |
Activate Spacial Rend's Adventure Effect | Shadow Mismagius Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Palkia Candies, 1 Palkia Candy XL, and Spiritomb* Encounter |
Step 4 Turtwig | Reward |
Purify 1 Shadow Pokémon | 1,000 XP |
Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon | 2,000 XP |
Purify 3 Shadow Pokémon | 3,000 XP |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 3 Palkia Candies, and Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni appears (Shadow Regigigas) |
Step 1 Chimchar | Reward |
Catch 15 Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region | 1 Incense |
Use an Incense | Shadow Chimchar Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Chimchar Candies, 3 Chimchar Candies XL, and 3,000 Stardust |
Step 2 Chimchar (Diamond version) | Reward |
Catch Dialga (or Catch a Legendary Pokémon) | Shadow Gible Encounter |
Power up -type Pokémon 10 times | 5,000 Stardust |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 1 Dialga Candy XL, and 2,024 XP |
Step 2 Chimchar (Pearl version) | Reward |
Catch Palkia (or Catch a Legendary Pokémon) | Shadow Gible Encounter |
Power up -type Pokémon 10 times | 5,000 Stardust |
Completion Rewards | 3 Palkia Candies, 1 Palkia Candy XL, and 2,024 XP |
Step 3 Chimchar (Diamond version) | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Shadow Scizor Encounter |
Activate Roar of Time's Adventure Effect | Shadow Honchkrow Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 1 Dialga Candy XL, and Spiritomb* Encounter |
Step 3 Chimchar (Pearl version) | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Shadow Pinsir Encounter |
Activate Spacial Rend's Adventure Effect | Shadow Mismagius Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Palkia Candies, 1 Palkia Candy XL, and Spiritomb* Encounter |
Step 4 Chimchar | Reward |
Purify 1 Shadow Pokémon | 1,000 XP |
Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon | 2,000 XP |
Purify 3 Shadow Pokémon | 3,000 XP |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 3 Palkia Candies, and Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni appears (Shadow Regigigas) |
Step 1 Piplup | Reward |
Catch 15 Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region | 1 Incense |
Use an Incense | Shadow Piplup Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Piplup Candies, 3 Piplup Candies XL, and 3,000 Stardust |
Step 2 Piplup (Diamond version) | Reward |
Catch Dialga (or Catch a Legendary Pokémon) | Shadow Gible Encounter |
Power up -type Pokémon 10 times | 5,000 Stardust |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 1 Dialga Candy XL, and 2,024 XP |
Step 2 Piplup (Pearl version) | Reward |
Catch Palkia (or Catch a Legendary Pokémon) | Shadow Gible Encounter |
Power up -type Pokémon 10 times | 5,000 Stardust |
Completion Rewards | 3 Palkia Candies, 1 Palkia Candy XL, and 2,024 XP |
Step 3 Piplup (Diamond version) | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Shadow Scizor Encounter |
Activate Roar of Time's Adventure Effect | Shadow Honchkrow Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 1 Dialga Candy XL, and Spiritomb* Encounter |
Step 3 Piplup (Pearl version) | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Shadow Pinsir Encounter |
Activate Spacial Rend's Adventure Effect | Shadow Mismagius Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Palkia Candies, 1 Palkia Candy XL, and Spiritomb* Encounter |
Step 4 Piplup | Reward |
Purify 1 Shadow Pokémon | 1,000 XP |
Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon | 2,000 XP |
Purify 3 Shadow Pokémon | 3,000 XP |
Completion Rewards | 3 Dialga Candies, 3 Palkia Candies, and Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni appears (Shadow Regigigas) |
PokéStop Showcase
During the event, PokéStop Showcases will be active. The theme of these contests is to submit the biggest Dialga (Origin Forme) and/or Palkia (Origin Forme). These showcases will be available from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. your local time.
The assorted Pokémon GO Tour-themed stickers will still be available. They feature Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Dialga (and its Origin Forme), Palkia (and its Origin Forme), Giratina (Origin Forme), Oshawott, Cyndaquil, and Rowlet. You can get them by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and/or purchasing them from Pokémon GO’s in-game shop (with PokéCoins) during the event.
Avatar Items
New avatar items themed after Giratina, Diamond and Pearl Clans, Team Galatic, and GO Fest will be promoted during this event (as they were made available at the start of the Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Los Angeles event). They will be available for purchase (with PokéCoins) via the in-game shop. These avatar items will still be available to purchase after the conclusion of this event.
The new avatar items are the following: Giratina Helmet (250 PokéCoins), Giratina Wings (250 PokéCoins), Giratina Jacket (200 PokéCoins), Diamond Clan Outfit (400 PokéCoins), Diamond Clan Boots (150 PokéCoins), Pearl Clan Outfit ( 400 PokéCoins), Pearl Clan Boots (150 PokéCoins), Team Galactic Outfit (500 PokéCoins), and GO Tour 2024 Tee (Free, 0 PokéCoins).
Masterwork Research: Glimmers of Gratitude
This paid Masterwork Research will be available for purchase during the GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global event. Trainers who get this Masterwork Research will encounter Shiny Shaymin, provided the necessary tasks are completed. For more details, you can read our Masterwork Research: Glimmers of Gratitude guide.
Featured Attacks
Some Pokémon caught or evolved during the event may know a featured attack. Niantic didn’t announce this feature for the Pokémon GO Tour: Sinnoh – Global event. According to dataminers, the following Pokémon may know their associated featured attack between Saturday, February 24th, 2024 at 12 a.m. to Sunday, February 25th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. your local time. It appears that most of these attacks were featured in previous events (i.e.: the monthly Community Day events).
- Typhlosion: Blast Burn (Charged Attack)
- Torterra: Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack)
- Infernape: Blast Burn (Charged Attack)
- Empoleon: Hydro Cannon (Charged Attack)
- Staraptor: Gust (Fast Attack)
- Luxray: Psychic Fangs (Charged Attack)
- Roserade: Bullet Seed (Fast Attack) and Weather Ball (Charged Attack)
- Rhyperior: Rock Wreaker (Charged Attack)
- Electivire: Flamethrower (Charged Attack)
- Magmortar: Thunderbolt (Charged Attack)
- Togekiss: Aura Sphere (Charged Attack)
- Leafeon: Last Resort (Charged Attack)
- Glaceon: Last Resort (Charged Attack)
- Mamoswine: Ancient Power (Charged Attack)
- Porygon-Z: Tri Attack (Charged Attack)
- Gallade: Synchronoise (Charged Attack)
- Dusknoir: Shadow Ball (Charged Attack)
- Dialga: Roar of Time (Charged Attack) (See Notes)
- Palkia: Spacial Rend (Charged Attack) (See Notes)
- Samurott: Hydro Cannon (Charged Attack)
- Decidueye: Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack)
- Ursaluna: High Horsepower (Charged Attack)
- Dialga knowing Roar of Time is not guaranteed when catching Dialga in Raids during the event, unless you picked the Diamond version when completing the GO Tour 2024: Road to Sinnoh Special Research.
- Palkia knowing Spacial Rend is not guaranteed when catching Palkia in Raids during the event, unless you picked the Pearl version when completing the GO Tour 2024: Road to Sinnoh Special Research.
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