A Pokémon GO Battle League-themed event is finally here for the Season of Timeless Travels and it’s received a bit of an upgrade. Instead of a day or a weekend, this almost week-long event will let Trainers duke it out in the GBL. Due to the timeframe, battle limits will be up to 50 battles a day (instead of the typical 100 during these types of events). Plus, another event overlaps with the GO Battle Week one. Trainers can catch some fighting Pokémon, including the regional exclusives Throh and Sawk during the Raging Battles event. Plus, Annihilape is being added to the game, so if you’re looking to evolve a Primeape into one, you’ll want to partake in some battling (check out our Raging Battles event guide for all the information). (For more details about the Season of Timeless Travels, you can check out our overall Season of Timeless Travels guide hub.)
Now, check out what’s happening during the GO Battle Week: Timeless Travels event with our guide below:
Pokémon GO’s Season of Timeless Travels – GO Battle Week: Timeless Travels
Begins: Friday, January 19th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 8 p.m. your local time.
Event Bonuses
- 4× Stardust from win rewards. (This does not include the end-of-set rewards and will not stack with the 4× Stardust bonus in January.)
- The maximum number of sets you can play per day will be increased from five to 10 (for a total of 50 battles) from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. your local time.
- Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available.
- Rewards include the avatar item Ingo-Style Hat.
- If Trainers already acquired the item from reaching Rank 20 (Ace Rank), they will not receive another one.
- Rewards include the avatar item Ingo-Style Hat.
- Paid battle-themed Timed Research awarding Stardust, Rare Candy, and one Star Piece will be available for US$1.99 OR US$2.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency).
- Note: The originally stated price (US$0.99 OR US$1.00) was incorrect. Niantic listed different prices for the same Timed Research on the official Pokémon GO blog post for the event and now that the event is live, the information has been corrected.
- IMPORTANT: Please note that Timed Research expires. To receive the rewards, the tasks associated with this Timed Research must be completed and the rewards claimed before Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. your local time.
This event also overlaps with the Raging Battles event, so the following bonuses will also be active:
- Team GO Rocket will appear more frequently at PokéStops and in balloons.
- Throh and Sawk will both appear in the wild during the event, regardless of your location.
Event Boxes
If any special event boxes or bundles are released during the event, they’ll be listed here once the event is live.
Timed Research – Free and Paid
For this event, there will be two Timed Researches made available. One is free for all Trainers that log into Pokémon GO during the event and the other is available with the purchase of a paid ticket. Regardless of which ones Trainers will want to complete, they must be finished (and rewards claimed) by Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 8 p.m. your local time.
Free Timed Research – GO Battle Week: Timeless Travels
A special free Timed Research will be available and its tasks will focus on battling. Trainers who complete the research can look forward to the following rewards: an Avatar Item based on Ingo’s hat (from Pokémon Black and White) and more. Niantic does note that Trainers who already own Ingo-Style Hat, an avatar item distributed at Rank 20 (Ace Rank), will not receive another one.
Please keep in mind that Timed Research quests have deadlines. Trainers must complete and claim all rewards in this Timed Research by Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 8 p.m. your local time.
GO Battle Week: Timeless Travels
- Task: Battle in the GO Battle League 5 times
- Reward: 7,500 XP
- Task: Battle in the GO Battle League 10 times
- Reward: 7,500 XP
- Task: Use 10 Super Effective Charged Attacks
- Reward: 7,500 XP
- Task: Power up Pokémon 10 times
- Reward: 7,500 XP
- Completion Rewards: 3 Rare Candies, 1 Elite Charged TM, and Ingo-Style Hat
Paid Timed Research – Raging Battles
During the GO Battle Week: Timeless Travels event, Trainers can purchase a ticket to access an event-themed Timed Research. Priced at US$1.99 OR US$2.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll get the event-exclusive Timed Research which rewards Trainers with the following items (if tasks are completed within the time limit): 3 Rare Candies, 1 Rocket Radar, 2 Premium Battle Passes, and Stardust. Note: This paid Timed Research was initially priced at US$0.99 OR US$1.00 OR US$1.99 OR US$2.00.
According to Niantic, “[t]ickets are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service).” Tickets can also be gifted to Trainers you’re friends with provided that you have a Friendship level of Great Friends or higher with them. This can be done via the in-game shop and by selecting the “Gift” button instead of the “Buy” button. Tickets purchased for friends are nonrefundable as well.
Please keep in mind that Timed Research quests have deadlines. Trainers must complete and claim all rewards in this Timed Research by Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 8 p.m. your local time.
Raging Battles
- Task: Win 3 Raids
- Reward: 3 Rare Candies
- Task: Defeat 4 Team GO Rocket Grunts
- Reward: 1 Rocket Radar
- Task: Power up Pokémon 25 times
- Reward: 5,000 Stardust
- Completion Rewards: 2 Premium Battle Passes and 5,000 Stardust
Active Leagues
The following leagues will be active:
- Great League
- Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
- 4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)
- Ultra League
- Pokémon must be at or below 2,500 CP to enter.
- 4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)
- Master League
- No CP limit.
- 4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)
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