Pokémon GO Holidays: Part 2 Overview
The following events are taking place in Part 2 of the Winter Holidays event for the Season of Heritage. Part 2 runs from December 23rd to the 31st. (Details for the first part can be found in our holiday guide hub.)
Timed Research
Three timed research events are available in Part 2 of the Holidays Event that will give you access to Galarian Mr. Mime. Remember, all you need is 50 Mr. Mime Candies to evolve a Galarian Mr. Mime into a Galarian Mr. Rime!
Challenge 1 – Catch
Catch 10 Pokémon – 10 Poké Balls
Catch 25 Pokémon – 25x Poké Balls
Catch 10 Ice-type Pokémon – 10x Great Balls
Catch 40 Ice-type Pokémon – 25x Great Balls
Catch 9 different species of Ice-type Pokémon – 25x Ultra Balls
Reward – Galarian Mr. Mime encounter
Challenge 2 – Friendship and Gifts
Send 5 Gifts to friends – Holiday Pikachu Encounter
Trade 3 Pokémon with a friend – Vanillite Encounter
Send 25 Gifts to friends – Holiday Delibird Encounter
Send Gifts 3 days in a row – ??? encounter
Make a new friend- 3x silver pinap berries
Reward – Galarian Mr. Mime encounter
Challenge 3 – Collection
Catch the following Pokémon before December 30th at 8:00 p.m. local time to trigger a Galarian Mr. Mime.
Winter Wonderland Event
A mini event called “Winter Wonderland” kicks off on Christmas Day at 10 a.m. local time and concludes on December 26th at 8 p.m. This event features a Collection Challenge, Field Research Encounters with Delibird, and an extended trading distance of 40 km!
A Collection Challenge focused on trading with your friends will be available from Saturday, December 25, 2021, to Friday, December 31, at 8 p.m. local time.
You will need to trade for the following Pokémon to complete this challenge.
- Swinub
- Snorunt
- Spheal (Doesn’t need to be costumed)
- Snover
- Vanillite
- Cubchoo (Doesn’t need to be costumed)
Complete the challenge to encounter Galarian Mr. Mime!
New Pokémon
Both Bergmite and Avalugg will make their Pokémon GO debut during Part 2 of this event.
Pokémon available in the wild
(* Indicates a chance of a shiny encounter)
- Pikachu in Holiday Hat*
- Swinub*
- Holiday Stantler*
- Holiday Delibird*
- Holiday Spheal*
- Snover*
- Vanillite
- Holiday Cubchoo*
- Alolan Vulpix*
- Cryogonal
- Bergmite
Available Raids
(* Indicates a chance of a shiny encounter)
One Star Raids:
- Pikachu in Santa Hat*
- Alolan Sandshrew*
- Holiday Cubchoo*
- Falarian Darumaka*
- Holiday Spheal*
Three Star Raids:
- Lapras
- Holiday Stantler*
- Holiday Delibird*
- Holiday Glaceon*
Five Star Raids:
- Kyurem*
Mega Raids:
- Mega Abomasnow*
Field Research
Field Research will be available for this event. At the moment, the tasks are not available to the public, but we know you can unlock the following encounters:
(* Indicates a chance of a shiny encounter)
- Pikachu with Holiday Hat*
- Alolan Sandshrew*
- Swinub*
- Holiday Stantler*
- Holiday Spheal*
- Holiday Cubchoo*
- Galarian Darmaka
Pokémon that can hatch from Eggs
The following Pokémon can hatch from 7k Eggs during this event:
(* Indicates a chance of a shiny encounter)
- Swinub*
- Holiday Cubchoo*
- Smoochum*
- Galarian Darumaka*
- Bergmite
- Cryogonal
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