So much for a party. Team GO Rocket is crashing this year’s Pokémon GO Anniversary Event with a Pokémon GO: Battle Weekend. Sure, Pokémon GO’s 6th Anniversary Event and all its bonuses will still be active this weekend, but you’ll want to focus on battling Team GO Rocket and even facing Giovanni with his nearly acquired Shadow Latios. See what awaits you against Team GO Rocket and even in the GO Battle League for this weekend event with our guide below:
Pokémon GO’s Season of GO – 6th Anniversary Event’s Battle Weekend
Begins: Saturday, July 9th, 2022 at 12 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Sunday, July 10th, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. your local time.
Pokémon debuts – Shadow Latios and more Shadow Pokémon
For this event, we’ll see the debut of Shadow Pokémon and a change up to the pool of Shadow Pokémon that Team GO Rocket Grunts used. Here’s what Shadow Pokémon you’ll find this weekend:
- Giovanni will be battling with Shadow Latios. When Trainers rescued Shadow Latias from him, Giovanni set his sights on adding Shadow Latios to his team. Defeat Giovanni in order to get an encounter with Shadow Latios!
- Team GO Rocket Leaders Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo will be using different Shadow Pokémon.
- Team GO Rocket Leader Sierra’s starting Pokémon will be Shadow Squirtle*. 2nd Pokémon is Blatoise OR Blaziken. Final Pokémon is Houndoom OR Drapion.
- Team GO Rocket Leader Cliff’s starting Pokémon will be Shadow Bulbasaur*. 2nd Pokémon is Venusaur OR Omastar. Final Pokémon is Tyranitar OR Torterra.
- Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo’s starting Pokémon will be Shadow Charmander*. 2nd Pokémon is Charizard OR Mawile. Final Pokémon is Steelix OR Scizor OR Gardevoir.
- Team GO Rocket Grunts will be battling with Shadow Geodude, Shadow Shinx, Shadow Purrloin, and Shadow Magmar. Defeat these Team GO Rocket Grunts in order to catch ’em!
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Event Bonuses
- Enjoy up to 20 GO Battle League sets each day.
- Use a Charged TM to help a Shadow Pokémon forget the Charged Attack Frustration.
- GO Rocket Box available (750 Poké Coins): 2 Rocket Radars, 10 Max Revives, and 2 Charged TMs
Ultra Unlock Bonuses for Battle Weekend
- Team GO Rocket balloons will appear every 2 hours.
- Earn 50% extra Stardust from defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts.
- Earn 2 Mysterious Components from defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts.
- Enjoy 1 extra Raid Pass per day.
- Earn 50% extra XP from Raid Battles.
- Earn 5× Stardust from GO Battle League Rewards.
- Encounter Legendary Pokémon in GO Battle League reward encounters at Rank 16 and up.
Ultra Unlock Bonus – Pokémon Starters learn old moves via evolving
All Pokémon Starters that are available in Pokémon GO will get a special bonus this weekend. If you evolve them during GO Battle Weekend, they’ll learn attacks that were previously featured during past events. The following attacks (charged and fast) can be learned by evolving the following Pokémon:
- Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack): Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko, Turtwig, and Snivy.
- Blast Burn (Charged Attack): Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, and Tepig.
- Hydro Cannon (Charged Attack): Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, and Oshawott.
- Dragon Breath (Fast Attack): Charmander.
Special Research – Field Notes: Team GO Rocket
A Special Research will be made available during this event and can be claimed until Thursday, September 1st, 2022 at 10 a.m. your local time. This Special Research, called Field Notes: Team GO Rocket, will focus on Team GO Rocket, specifically Giovanni. Completing it will earn you a Super Rocket Radar so you can challenge Team GO Rocket’s boss and more!
Field Notes: Team GO Rocket | |
Step 1/6 | Reward |
Win a Raid | Darumaka Encounter |
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts | 3 Hyper Potions |
Catch a Shadow Pokémon | Galarian Darumaka Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 1,000 XP, 15 Poké Balls, 3 Rare Candies |
Step 2/6 | Reward |
Catch 5 Shadow Pokémon | 10 Pinap Berries |
Make 3 Nice Curveball Throws in a row | 10 Razz Berries |
Defeat 5 Team GO Rocket Grunts | 10 Nanab Berries |
Completion Rewards | 1,500 XP, 1,000 Stardust, and 10 Great Balls |
Step 3/6 | Reward |
Purify 5 Shadow Pokémon | 1,000 XP |
Defeat 5 Team GO Rocket Grunts | 1,000 XP |
Earn 3 Candies walking with your Buddy | 1,000 XP |
Completion Rewards | 2,000 XP, 15 Great Balls, and 1 Rocket Radar |
Step 4/6 | Reward |
Defeat the Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo | 1,500 XP |
Defeat the Team GO Rocket Leader Cliff | 1,500 XP |
Defeat the Team GO Rocket Leader Sierra | 1,500 XP |
Completion Rewards | 2,500 XP, 1,000 Stardust, and 1 Super Rocket Radar |
Step 5/6 | Reward |
Find the Team GO Rocket Boss | 5 Max Potions |
Battle the Team GO Rocket Boss | 20 Ultra Balls |
Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss | 5 Max Revives |
Completion Rewards | 3,000 XP, 1 Lucky Egg, and 1 Golden Razz Berry |
Step 6/6 | Reward |
Claim Reward! | 2,500 XP |
Claim Reward! | 2,500 XP |
Claim Reward! | 2,500 XP |
Completion Rewards | 1 Charged TM, 1 Fast TM, and 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Timed Research – Battle Weekend Challenge
Surprise! A new Timed Research will also be available. This 3-step Timed Research includes a “Choose your own path” option, allowing you to either battle it out in Raids, Gyms, and against Team GO Rocket Grunts or focus solely on the GO Battle League. Regardless of which path you choose, the rewards will be the same.
Battle Weekend Challenge | |
Step 1/3 | Reward |
Power up Pokémon 15 times | Machop Encounter |
Use a Charged TM | 1 Fast TM |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | 1 Charged TM |
Completion Rewards | 1,000 Stardust, 2,500 Stardust, and 1 Premium Battle Pass |
Step 1.5/3 | |
Choose a path: Raids, Grunts, and Gyms! | Tasks are related to battling in Gyms, Raids, and against Team GO Rocket |
Choose a path: GO Battle League! | Tasks are related to battling it out in the GO Battle League |
Step 2/3 Raids, Grunts, and Gyms! | Reward |
Battle in a Gym 5 times | 5 Rare Candies |
Use a super effective Charged Attack in 10 Gym battles | Galarian Stunfisk Encounter |
Battle in 2 Raids | 2,500 XP |
Win 2 Raids | Swinub Encounter |
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts | 2,500 Stardust |
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times | Beldum Encounter |
Completion Rewards | Chansey Encounter, 1 Lucky Egg, and 1 Star Piece |
Step 2/3 GO Battle League! | Reward |
Battle another Trainer in the Great League 5 times | 5 Rare Candies |
Win 1 Great League Trainer Battle against another Trainer | Galarian Stunfisk Encounter |
Battle in the GO Battle League 10 times | 2,500 XP |
Win 2 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League | Swinub Encounter |
Battle in the GO Battle League 20 times | 2,500 Stardust |
Achieve rank 5 in the GO Battle League | Beldum Encounter |
Completion Rewards | Chansey Encounter, 1 Lucky Egg, and 1 Star Piece |
Step 3/3 Raids, Grunts, and Gyms! & GO Battle League! | Reward |
Claim Reward! | 25 Poke Balls |
Claim Reward! | 15 Great Balls |
Claim Reward! | 10 Ultra Balls |
Completion Rewards | Costumed Charizard |
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