Niantic is bringing back the Sustainability Week event for Pokémon GO this year. For 2024, the event is focused more on hatching Pokémon from event 2 km Eggs. Luckily these Eggs will have a shiny hatching boost. Other than that, there aren’t any themed Wild Encounters or Raids. (For more details about the Season of World of Wonders, you can check out our overall Season of World of Wonders guide hub.)
Now, check out what’s happening during the Sustainability Week event with our guide below:
Pokémon GO’s Season of World of Wonders – Sustainability Week
Begins: Monday, April 22nd, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Friday, April 26th, 2024 at 8 p.m. your local time.
Pokémon featured – Combee, Drilbur, Trubbish, Foongus, and Binacle
There aren’t any new Pokémon debuts during this event. Instead, the following Pokémon will be featured: Combee, Drilbur, Trubbish, Foongus, and Binacle. You can find these five Pokémon in 2 km Eggs and four of ’em (sorry, no Foongus) as catch rewards in Field Research tasks.
Event Bonuses
- Increased frequency of Buddy Pokémon bringing you Souvenirs and presents.
- “Buddy will bring you items more often” and “Buddy will bring you more types of items”.
- Your buddy will spend more time on the map after being fed Berries or Poffins.
- “Buddy will walk with you longer”.
- The distance to earn buddy hearts will be halved.
- Pokémon hatched in 2 km Eggs obtained during this event will have a greater chance of being a Shiny Pokémon than when found in the wild or via Field Research.
The Rediscover Kanto event also takes place at the same time as the Sustainability Week event, so the following bonuses will also be active:
- Increased XP for a seven-day PokéStop spin streak.
- Increased XP for a seven-day Pokémon catch streak.
- Friendship levels will increase faster than normal through opening Gifts, trading Pokémon, or battling together in raids, Gyms, or Trainer Battles!
- Increased chance to encounter Shiny Bulbasaur, Shiny Charmander, and Shiny Squirtle in their respective biomes!
Plus, the following bonus will be available starting on Friday, April 26th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time due to the Cleffa Hatch Day Extended Bonuses “event”:
- 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed into Incubators during this time.
Event Boxes
If any special event boxes or bundles are released during the event, they’ll be listed here once the event is live.
The following Pokémon will be hatching from Eggs that are obtained during the event:
- 2 km Eggs
- 1-Egg Rarity: Combee*, Drilbur*, Trubbish*, Foongus*, and Binacle*.
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might hatch a Shiny one!”
- Pokémon hatched in 2 km Eggs obtained during this event will have a greater chance of being a Shiny Pokémon than when found in the wild or via Field Research!
Standard and Shadow Raids will be active during the event. Despite there being no themed Raids announced in the official blog post for the event, the Raid schedule and lineups have been included below:
Standard Raids
The following Pokémon will be appearing in Raids:
- One-Star Raids:
- Grimer*, Nincada*, Cottonee*, Phantump*, and Mareanie (until Friday, April 26th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time).
- Alolan Diglett*, Bronzor*, Goomy*, Klink*, and Beldum* (starting on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time).
- Three-Star Raids:
- Crobat, Granbull, Swadloon, and Bombirdier* (until Friday, April 26th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time).
- Alolan Marowak*, Magneton, Lucario*, and Aggron* (starting on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time).
- Five-Star Raids:
- Tapu Bulu* (until Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time)
- Registeel* (starting on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time)
- (See Additional Notes).
- Mega Raids:
- Mega Heracross* (until Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time)
- Mega Aggron* (starting on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time)
- (See Additional Notes).
Shadow Raids
The following Pokémon will be appearing in Shadow Raids:
- One-Star Shadow Raids: Shadow Drowzee*, Shadow Poliwag*, Shadow Barboach, and Shadow Foongus.
- Three-Star Shadow Raids: Shadow Hitmontop, Shadow Wobbuffet, and Shadow Sneasel*.
- Five-Star Shadow Raids: Shadow Entei* (See Additional Notes).
Additional Notes:
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
- Standard Raids:
- Five-Star Raids:
- Tapu Bulu* will be available during the first four days of the event, exiting Five-Star Raids on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
- Registeel*…
- … will be available starting on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time (replacing Tapu Bulu).
- …. will be available after the event (in Five-Star Raids), until Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
- Mega Raids:
- Mega Heracross* will be available during the first four days of the event, exiting Mega Raids on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
- Mega Aggron*…
- … will be available starting on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time (replacing Mega Heracross).
- … will be available after the event (in Mega Raids), until Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 10 a.m. your local time.
- Shadow Raids:
- One- and Three-Star Shadow Raids will be available daily.
- Five-Star Shadow Raids will be available on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), unless otherwise stated by Niantic.
Featured Attack for Tapu Bulu
Tapu Bulu will know the attack Nature’s Madness (Charged Attack) when caught from Five-Star Raids between Friday, April 12th, 2024, at 10 a.m. to Thursday, April 25th, 2024, at 10 a.m. your local time. You can also teach Tapu Bulu this move with the aid of an Elite Charged TM.
Nature’s Madness’s (Charged Attack) stats are as follows:
- Trainer Battles: 80 power + decrease your opponent’s Defense stat
- Gyms and Raids: 90 power
Field Research Tasks
There will be event-exclusive Field Research Tasks available and the rewards include the following Pokémon encounters: Combee*, Drilbur*, Trubbish*, Foongus*, and Binacle*. These Field Research Tasks can be found when spinning PokéStops (and acquired if you have an open slot in your Field Research menu) when the event is active.
A complete list of tasks and rewards will be shared here once the event is live.
- Task: Hatch an Egg
- Reward: Combee* Encounter
- Task: Explore 2 km
- Reward: Drilbur* Encounter
- Task: Explore 1 km
- Reward: Trubbish* Encounter
- Task: Catch 10 Pokémon
- Reward: Foongus* Encounter
- Task: Catch 5 Pokémon
- Reward: Binacle* Encounter
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
PokéStop Showcase
During the event, PokéStop Showcases will be active. The theme of these contests is to submit the biggest event-themed Pokémo. This section will be updated once the event starts.
- Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 at 10 a.m. to Friday, April 26th, 2024 at 8 p.m. your local time: All Ground-type Pokémon
Collection Challenges – Sustainability Week Collection Challenges
Event-exclusive Collection Challenges will be available. According to Niantic, these Collection Challenges will reward Trainers with Stardust, XP, and an addition to the Elite Collector medal. A complete list of what Pokémon must be caught/traded/evolved and the associated rewards will be added here once the event is live.
Sustainability Week Collection Challenge: Drilbur
- Catch: Drilbur.
- Evolve: Drilbur into Excadrill.
- Completion Rewards: 10,000 XP and 5,000 Stardust
Sustainability Week Collection Challenge: Trubbish
- Catch: Trubbish.
- Evolve: Trubbish into Garbodor.
- Completion Rewards: 10,000 XP and 5,000 Stardust
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