Carnival season is happening all over the world, which means in Pokémon GO that the Festival of Colors event returns! This year will see some Pokémon debuts and a variety of color Pokémon spawning in the wild, available to battle in Raids, and as catch reward encounters in Research Tasks. While only six days long, luckily the Legendary and Mega Raid rotation will be the same after the event.
Now, check out what’s happening during the Festival of Colors with our guide below:
Pokémon GO’s Season of Rising Heroes – Festival of Colors
Begins: Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 at 8 p.m. your local time.
Pokémon debuts – Mega Medicham and Bruxish
Mega Medicham and Bruxish debut during this event. Also, Smeargle’s Shiny version will be available if you’re lucky!
- Mega Medicham* can only be found in Mega Raids. Trainers will need to earn enough Medicham Mega Energy (obtained from winning Mega Raids) in order to Mega Evolve their own Medicham. (Defeating a Mega Medicham in a Mega Raid will also give Trainers a catch encounter with Medicham*.) If the typical Mega Evolution rules apply, Trainers will need to collect 200 Medicham Mega Energy.
- Bruxish will be appearing in the wild and in One-Star Raids.
- Shiny Smeargle* will be available during the event. If you’re lucky, you can encounter one during a photobomb encounter. Niantic does note that this will only be available during the event’s hours and that Shiny Smearlge may appear again in future events.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Event Bonuses
- Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours.
- Friendship levels will increase twice as fast.
- Take a few snapshots every day during the event for a surprise! (Smeargle photobomb. Can be repeated up to 5 times per day.)
- If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny Smeargle.
- Please note that Smeargle will only appear in snapshots a limited number of times, and while Shiny Smeargle will no longer appear after the event concludes, you may encounter one during future events.
- If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny Smeargle.
- PokéStop animation (a “colorful surprise” can happen when Trainers walk close to one).
- Will not activate at a PokéStop taken over by Team GO Rocket.
Event Boxes
If any special event boxes or bundles are released during the event, they’ll be listed here once the event is live.
Wild Encounters
- The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild: Paras*, Krabby*, Koffing*, Natu*, Wobbuffet*, Shuckle*, Wingull*, Burmy (Plant Cloak)*, Burmy (Sand Cloak)*, Burmy (Trash Cloak)*, Stunky, and Bruxish.
- If you’re lucky, you might encounter the following Pokémon: Lickitung* and Galarian Zigzagoon*.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
The following Pokémon will be appearing in Raids:
- One-Star Raids: Espurr*, Rockruff*, Mareanie*, and Bruxish.
- Three-Star Raids: Exeggutor, Alolan Exeggutor*, Cryogonal, and Druddigon*.
- Five-Star Raids: Ho-Oh* (See Additional Notes).
- Mega Raids: Mega Medicham* (See Additional Notes).
Additional Notes:
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
- Ho-Oh* will be available after the event (in Raids), until Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 10 a.m. your local time.
- Mega Medicham* will be available after the event (in Raids), until Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Field Research Tasks
There will be event-exclusive Field Research Tasks available and the rewards include the following Pokémon encounters: Alolan Grimer*, Castform*, Castform (Sunny Form)*, Castform (Rainy Form)*, Castform (Snowy Form)*, Burmy (Plant Cloak)*, Burmy (Sand Cloak)*, Burmy (Trash Cloak)*, and Oricorio (Baile OR Pom-Pom OR Pa’u OR Sensu Style depending on your region). These Field Research Tasks can be found when spinning PokéStops (and acquired if you have an open slot in your Field Research menu) when the event is active.
A complete list of tasks and rewards will be shared here once the event is live.
- Task: Catch 15 Pokémon
- Reward: Alolan Grimer* Encounter
- Task: Catch 5 different species of Pokémon
- Reward:Castform* OR Castform (Sunny Form)* OR Castform (Rainy Form)* OR Castform (Snowy Form)* Encounter
- Task: Catch 8 different species of Pokémon
- Reward: Burmy (Plant Cloak)* OR Burmy (Sand Cloak)* OR Burmy (Trash Cloak)* Encounter
- Task: Catch 10 different species of Pokémon
- Reward: Oricorio (Baile OR Pom-Pom OR Pa’u OR Sensu Style depending on your region) Encounter
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Collection Challenge – Festival of Colors 2023 Challenge
A special, event-exclusive Collection Challenge will be available. According to Niantic, this Collection Challenge will reward Trainers with 20,000 XP, 1 Lure Module, and an addition to the Elite Collector medal. A complete list of what Pokémon must be caught/traded/evolved and the associated rewards will be added here once the event is live.
- Catch: Koffing, Stunky, Wobbuffet, Natu, Shuckle, Paras, Krabby, Bruxish, Burmy (Sand Cloak), Burmy (Trash Cloak), and Burmy (Plant Cloak).
- Evolve: Burmy (male only) into Mothim.
- Completion Rewards: 20,000 XP, 1 Lure Module, and an addition to the Elite Collector medal.
Avatar Items
A new avatar pose themed after the event will be released during this event. It will be available for purchase (with PokéCoins) via the in-game shop. This avatar pose will still be available to purchase after the conclusion of this event.
The new avatar pose is the following: Color Throw Pose.
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