Spring is in full swing in Pokémon GO thanks to the recent Spring into Spring event. While Pokémon wearing flower crowns are abundant, Niantic is also celebrating the season by spotlighting some egg-themed Pokémon.
For three hours (11 a.m. to 2 p.m. your local time) on Saturday, April 16th, 2022, there will be a Limited Research Day event focused on Exeggcute. During this short time window, you’ll be able to get Limited Research tasks that will result in Exeggcute Encounters. Combine this with Alolan Exeggutor learning Draco Meteor (if evolved during the event), Trainers can really build an eggciting team for battles and their Shiny Dex.
Here’s what will be happening during this event.
Limited Research Day: An Egg-citing Spring Surprise
Begins: Saturday, April 16th, 2022 at 11 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Saturday, April 16th, 2022 at 2 p.m. your local time.
Exeggcute* will be part of a special Limited Research Day event. While having at least one open slot in your Limit Research task tab, spin Photo Discs at PokéStops to get special Limited Research tasks.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Event Bonuses
In addition to the Spring into Spring event bonuses, an additional bonus will be active during the Limited Research Day event (listed first below). Combined, here’s what bonuses will be active:
- 2× Catch XP
- 2× Hatch Candy
- 1/2 Hatch Distance
- 2× Lucky Egg Duration
- Team GO Rocket Grunts will have more Shadow Whismur and Shadow Exeggcute in their parties
Limited Research Tasks
All Limited Research Tasks for the event are labeled as “Exeggcute Research” and all will reward Trainers with an Exeggcute Encounter. Here’s the full list of tasks:
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Battle in a Gym
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Use three Berries to help catch Pokemon
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Catch three Grass-type Pokémon
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Use a Super Effective Charged Move
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Make five Curveball Throws
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Evolve two Grass-type Pokémon
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Send two Gifts and add a sticker to each
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Make three Great Throws
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Make two Great Throws in a row
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Make five Nice Throws
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Make three Nice Throws in a row
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Battle in a Raid
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Spin two PokéStops
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Catch three Pokémon with Weather Boost
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Catch five Pokemon with Weather Boost
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
- Task: Exeggcute Research: Take a snapshot of a wild Grass-type Pokémon
- Reward: Exeggcute Encounter
Evolve Exeggcute into Alolan Exeggutor that knows Draco Meteor
During the event, if you evolve an Exeggcute into Alolan Exeggutor, that Pokémon will know the Charged Attack Draco Meteor!
Draco Meteor (Charged Attack) Stats
- Trainer Battles: 150 power
- Gyms and Raids: 150 power
Wild Encounters
- During all three hours of the Limited Research day, you can encounter the following Pokémon in the wild: Bulbasaur*, Oddish*, Paras*, Bellsprout*, Tangela*, Chikorita*, Sunkern*, Treecko*, and Seedot*.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
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