During the Pokémon GO’s Season of Max Out (Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 to Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024), Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon were added to the game. This mechanic is part of Pokémon’s Generation VIII (Pokémon Sword and Shield) where Pokémon transform into “giant” versions of themselves or even new larger than life forms. Pokémon that have Dynamaxed can use Max Moves, powerful attacks based on their attack type (and Gigantamax Pokémon use G-Max Moves). Along with this mechanic, Max Raid Battles debuted in Pokémon Sword and Shield, where up to four Trainers could challenge Pokémon in a Dynamax state. The development of these battles were influence by Raids in Pokémon GO (but drafted prior to Pokémon GO’s launch). With this mechanic integrated into Pokémon GO, we’ve come full circle, in a way.
For Pokémon GO’s version of Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon, they function slightly different to their Pokémon Sword and Shield counterparts. Pokémon that can become Dynamax Pokémon or Gigantamax Pokémon can only be caught by defeating them in Max Battles (a new type of “Raid” that can only be found via Power Spots, not Gyms). Challenging a Dynamax Pokémon or Gigantamax Pokémon require Trainers to have up to three Dynamax Pokémon or Gigantamax Pokémon. (Trainers will receive their first Dynamax Pokémon via the To the Max Special Research (a free Special Research issued to Trainers during the Season of Max Out). For a more detailed explanation of Dynamax Pokémon, Power Spots, Max Battles, and more, you can check out our Pokémon GO Max Battles, Max Particles, Power Spots, and Dynamax Pokémon guide.
As for the Max Mondays event, this new weekly, one-hour long event (similar to Spotlight Hour and Raid Hour events), launched on Monday, November 11th, 2024. Niantic announced the event in late October when sharing details about November 2024’s events (as well as on the official Pokémon GO blog). According to Niantic, the Pokémon featured in this event can be found in all Power Spots for one hour (making it easier, in theory, for Trainers to get together and complete Max Battles together, or even participate in a “Max Battle Train” by visiting multiple Power Spots in the hour).
What time is this week’s Max Mondays event?
This week’s Max Mondays event is taking place on Monday, February 10th, 2025 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. your local time.
What Pokémon is featured in this week’s Max Mondays event?
For this week’s Max Mondays event, Dynamax Skwovet will be featured in Power Spots.
Can Dynamax Skwovet be shiny?
Yes, Dynamax Skwovet can be shiny.
Will there be any active bonuses during this Max Mondays?
No, Niantic hasn’t shared that a specific bonus will be active during this Max Mondays.
What Dynamax Pokemon will be featured in next week’s Max Mondays event?
Next week’s featured Pokémon for Max Mondays will be Dynamax Pidove.
More Pokémon GO Max Mondays guides
Looking for more help with Pokémon GO’s Max Mondays? Check out our latest guides!
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