The Season of GO is nearly over so Niantic is ending it with a big bash – a Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale event! With one worldwide GO Fest event happening back in June, followed by three other in-person GO Fest events around the world, this’ll be the fifth GO Fest event for the year. That’s probably a new record for Pokémon GO…
Since this is a finale event, this one-day event is taking the best bits from all the previous GO Fest events of the year and making them available worldwide. Oh, and a new event Pokémon will be appearing too.
Before we jump into all the details for the Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale, be aware that some features will require a paid ticket. Priced at US$10.99 (or your local currency equivalent), ticket holders will get extra bonuses, Pokémon appearing via Incense, Special Research Stories, and more. Tickets can also be gifted by another Trainer for the discounted rate of $4.99 (provided that Trainer attended June’s Pokémon GO Fest 2022 with a ticket or has purchased a ticket for this finale event). We’ve noted what’s available to only ticket holders or all Trainers throughout the guide below.
Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale
Begins: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 at 6 p.m. your local time.
Pokémon debuts – Costumed Pikachu*, Ultra Beasts, Shaymin (Sky Forme), and more
Welcome to the Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale event! For this send off, Shaymin is back and exclusive to ticket holders once again. Instead of catching Shaymin (Land Forme) like in June, this time it’s Shaymin (Sky Forme). To match with Shaymin, Pikachu is donning a scarf as “Pikachu wearing a Shaymin-inspired scarf” (which will be referred to as Costumed Pikachu for the remainder of the guide)!
The Ultra Beasts that debuted at the three in-person Pokémon GO Fest events will be available worldwide via Raids for the first time (and Nihilego is coming back for good measure)!
In the Shiny Pokémon department, just Shiny Munna (and therefore Shiny Musharna) will be debuting for all Trainers.
For Unown collectors, you can find Unowns B, G, N, O, P, S, and X (and their Shiny versions) if you have a paid ticket to the event. This will also be Shiny Unown N and X’s debut!
Event Bonuses – Ticket Holders
- Earn up to 9 free Raid Passes when spinning Photo Discs at Gyms. These Raid Passes can only be used for in-person raids.
- Earn an extra 5,000 XP in Raid rewards when you win an in-person Raid!
- Incense activated during event hours will last for two hours.
- Earn 3× XP for spinning Photo Discs at PokéStops and Gyms.
- 1/2 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in Incubators during event hours.
- Shaymin can be transformed into its other version (Land Forme or Sky Forme) starting at 10 a.m. your local time. (Costs 10,000 Stardust and 25 Shaymin Candies for each transformation.)
- 3 Free Premium Battle Passes Box (one-time only)
Event Bonuses – All Trainers
- Take a few snapshots during GO Fest for a surprise! (Costumed Pikachu* photobomb spawn. Can be repeated up to 5 times.)
- Incense spawns a frequent (about 20 seconds per spawn.)
Habitats and Wild Encounters
Rotating habitats will be happening in two-hour chunks. For this event there are four themed habitats after each of the Ultra Beasts featured. Each habitat has its own selection of Pokémon appearing in the wild and spawning via Incense (the last available to ticket holders only). Instead of rotating after an hour, each habitat will last for two hours before rotating to the next one.
The following Pokémon will be appearing in the wild for all Trainers:
- Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa (10 a.m. to 12 p.m. your local time): Costumed Pikachu*, Scyther*, Pinsir*, Sudowoodo*, Hitmontop*, Meditite*, Anorith*, Kricketot*, Woobat*, and Karrablast*.
- Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole (12 p.m. to 2 p.m. your local time): Costumed Pikachu*, Machop*, Geodude*, Hitmonlee*, Hitmonchan*, Magmar*, Numel*, Cranidos*, Drilbur, and Axew*.
- Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree (2 p.m. to 4 p.m. your local time): Costumed Pikachu*, Electabuzz*, Electrike*, Shinx*, Lileep*, Burmy (Sandy Cloak)*, Combee*, Foongus*, Joltik, Shelmet*, and Stunfisk.
- Ultra Incursion: Nihilego (4 p.m. to 6 p.m. your local time): Bulbasaur*, Costumed Pikachu*, Clefairy*, Tentacool*, Chansey*, Tangela*, Omanyte*, Chikorita*, Turtwig*, Burmy (Plant Cloak)*, Munna*, Frillish (female shown), Swirlix*, and Skrelp.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Incense Encounters (Ticket holders only)
Ticket holders can also encounter the following Pokémon with Incense activated:
- Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown N*, Unown O*, Unown P*, Unown S*, Unown X*, Galarian Mr. Mime, and Pansage*.
- Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown N*, Unown O*, Unown P*, Unown S*, Unown X*, Torkoal, and Pansear*.
- Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown N*, Unown O*, Unown P*, Unown S*, Unown X*, Klink*, and Panpour*.
- Ultra Incursion: Nihilego: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown N*, Unown O*, Unown P*, Unown S*, Unown X*, Tropius, and Frillish (male shown).
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
The following Eggs will be available during the event:
- 7 km Eggs
- Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa: Galarian Mr. Mime, Pansage*, Karrablast*, Woobat*, Meditite*, and Scyther*.
- Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole: Torkoal, Pansear*, Axew*, Numel*, Drilbur*, and Cranidos*.
- Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree: Klink*, Stunfisk, Combee*, Foongus*, Shelmet*, and Electrike*.
- Ultra Incursion: Nihilego: Tropius, Panpour*, Munna*, Tentacool*, Tangela*, and Omanyte* (3-Egg rarity).
The following Pokémon will be appearing in Raids (are all available to all Trainers, regardless of ticket purchase):
- One-Star Raids: Costumed Pikachu*, Axew*, and Rockruff*.
- Three-Star Raids: Snorlax*, Salamence, Druddigon*, Dartrix, Torracat, and Brionne.
- Five-Star Raids:
- 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. your local time: Pheromosa
- 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. your local time: Buzzwole
- 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. your local time: Xurkitree
- 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. your local time: Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, and Xurkitree.
- Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
- All Ultra Beast Encounters will feature Beast Balls as the Poké Ball (instead of Premier Balls).
Special Research – Willow’s Return (All) & A Radiant Reunion (Ticket holders only)
There will be two Special Research stories released during this finale event. One Special Research story will be distributed to all Trainers when the event begins at 10 a.m. your local time. The remaining one is only for ticket holders and will be released in waves: Steps 1 and 2, Steps 3 and 4, and Steps 5 and 6.
Rewards for the Special Research stories only for ticket holders include the following: an encounter with Sky Forme Shaymin, a Sky Forme Shaymin shirt, and a helmet without a visor inspired by the GO Ultra Recon Squad.
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Special Research – Willow’s Return (All Trainers)
Begins: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 at 10 a.m. your local time
Willow's Return | |
Step 1/2 | Reward |
Send 3 Gifts to Friends | 3 Nanab Berries |
Complete 2 Field Research tasks | 100 Stardust |
Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms | 100 XP |
Completion Rewards | 3 Razz Berries, Foongus Encounter, and 25 Poké Balls |
Step 2/2 | Reward |
Use 3 Berries to help catch Pokémon | 25 Foongus Candies |
Power up Pokémon 3 times | 1 Charged TM |
Use a Charged TM | 3 Potions |
Completion Rewards | 3 Revives, Munna Encounter, and 1 Golden Razz Berry |
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Special Research – A Radiant Reunion
- Steps 1 and 2: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 at 12 p.m. your local time
- Steps 3 and 4: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 at 2 p.m. your local time
- Steps 5 and 6: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 at 4 p.m. your local time
A Radiant Reunion | |
Step 1/6 | Reward |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | 1,000 XP |
Earn 5,000 XP | 1 Incense |
Use an Incense | Combee Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Silver Pinap Berries, Rhi-style Helmet, and 25 Great Balls |
Step 2/6 | Reward |
Make 5 Nice Throws | 25 Combee Candies |
Catch 10 Pokémon | Pheromosa Encounter |
Make a Curveball Throw | 25 Ultra Balls |
Completion Rewards | 1 Star Piece, Buzzwole Encounter, and 1 Sinnoh Stone |
Step 3/6 | Reward |
Battle 3 Team GO Rocket members | 3 Hyper Potions |
Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket members | 3 Max Revives |
Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon | 1 Incense |
Completion Rewards | 1 Super Incubator, Swirlix Encounter, and 25 Poké Balls |
Step 4/6 | Reward |
Earn 2,000 Stardust | 25 Swirlix Candies |
Hatch an Egg | 3 Max Potions |
Walk 1 km | 1 Lucky Egg |
Completion Rewards | 1 Incubator, Xurkitree Encounter, and 3 Rare Candies |
Step 5/6 | Reward |
Catch 10 Pokémon | 1,000 XP |
Earn a heart with your Buddy | 25 Ultra Balls |
Take a snapshot | Munna Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 1 Lure Module, Shaymin (Sky Forme) Encounter, and 1 Mossy Lure Module |
Step 6/6 | Reward |
Claim Reward! | 25 Shaymin Candies |
Claim Reward! | 25 Munna Candies |
Claim Reward! | Nihilego Encounter |
Completion Rewards | 3 Rare Candies, Sky Forme Shaymin T-Shirt, and 1 Premium Battle Pass |
- According to Niantic, “So long as you claim the first Special Research story during the event, you’ll be able to complete it and any remaining Special Research stories whenever you want.”
Collection Challenges – Ultra Incursion
Collection Challenges are back and they’ll be focused on the different Ultra Incursion rotating habitats. Complete a Collection Challenge and you’ll add another number to your Elite Collector medal along with other rewards and encounters:
Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa
- Catch: Karrablast, Woobat, Anorith, Pinsir, Kricketot, Meditite, Sudowoodo, and Hitmontop.
- Rewards: 22 Pheromosa Candies, Foongus Encounter, and 1 Incense.
Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole
- Catch: Machop, Geodude, Magmar, Numel, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Cranidos and Drilbur.
- Rewards: 22 Buzzwole Candies, Combee* Encounter, and 1 Incense.
Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree
- Catch: Stunfisk, Electabuzz, Burmy (Sandy Cloak), Combee, Foongus, Electrike, Lileep, and Shelmet.
- Rewards: 22 Xurkitree Candies, Swirlix* Encounter, and 1 Incense.
Ultra Incursion: Nihilego
- Catch: Munna, Burmy (Plant Cloak), Chansey, Chikorita, Clefairy, Tentacool, Tangela, and Omanyte.
- Rewards: 22 Nihilego Candies, Munna* Encounter, and 1 Incense.
Field Research tasks
There will be Field Research tasks available during each Ultra Incursion and themed after its associated Ultra Beast. You can obtain these Field Research tasks from PokéStops, but keep in mind that these PokéStops don’t reset after an Ultra Incursion. Once you get and complete a Field Research task from a PokéStop, you won’t be able to get a new task until the following day.
Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa
- Task: Catch 5 Pokémon that share a type with Pheromosa
- Reward: 5 Pheromosa Candies
- Task: Catch 10 Pokémon
- Reward: 5 Pinap Berries OR 10 Poké Balls
- Task: Hatch an Egg
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Pansear* OR Foongus* Encounter
- Task: Earn a Candy walking with your Buddy
- Reward: 10 Poké Balls OR 5 Ultra Balls OR 200 Stardust
- Task: Power up 5 Bug-type Pokémon
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Pansear* OR Foongus* Encounter
- Task: Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms
- Reward: 200 Stardust
- Task: Win a Raid
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Pansear* OR Foongus* Encounter
Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole
- Task: Catch 5 Pokémon that share a type with Buzzwole
- Reward: 5 Buzzwole Candies
- Task: Catch 10 Pokémon
- Reward: 5 Pinap Berries OR 10 Poké Balls
- Task: Hatch an Egg
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Panpour* OR Combee* Encounter
- Task: Earn a Candy walking with your Buddy
- Reward: 10 Poké Balls OR 5 Ultra Balls OR 200 Stardust
- Task: Power up 5 Fighting-type Pokémon
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Panpour* OR Combee* Encounter
- Task: Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms
- Reward: 200 Stardust
- Task: Win a Raid
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Panpour* OR Combee* Encounter
Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree
- Task: Catch 5 Pokémon that share a type with Xurkitree
- Reward: 5 Xurkitree Candies
- Task: Catch 10 Pokémon
- Reward: 5 Pinap Berries OR 10 Poké Balls
- Task: Hatch an Egg
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Pansage* OR Swirlix* Encounter
- Task: Earn a Candy walking with your Buddy
- Reward: 10 Poké Balls OR 5 Ultra Balls OR 200 Stardust
- Task: Power up 5 Electric-type Pokémon
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Pansage* OR Swirlix* Encounter
- Task: Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms
- Reward: 200 Stardust
- Task: Win a Raid
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* OR Pansage* OR Swirlix* Encounter
Ultra Incursion: Nihilego & Shaymin
Field Research tasks are either tagged Ultra Incursion: Nihilego OR Shaymin in-game:
- Task: Catch 5 Pokémon that share a type with Nihilego
- Reward: 5 Nihilego Candies
- Task: Catch 5 Grass-type Pokémon
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* (Gracidea Flower) OR Costumed Pikachu* (Shaymin Scarf) Encounter
- Task: Catch 10 Pokémon
- Reward: 5 Pinap Berries OR 10 Poké Balls
- Task: Hatch an Egg
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* (Gracidea Flower) OR Costumed Pikachu* (Shaymin Scarf) OR Munna* Encounter
- Task: Earn a Candy walking with your Buddy
- Reward: 10 Poké Balls OR 5 Ultra Balls OR 200 Stardust
- Task: Power up 5 Poison-type Pokémon
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* (Gracidea Flower) OR Costumed Pikachu* (Shaymin Scarf) OR Munna* Encounter
- Task: Power up 5 Rock-type Pokémon
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* (Gracidea Flower) OR Costumed Pikachu* (Shaymin Scarf) OR Muna* Encounter
- Task: Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms
- Reward: 200 Stardust
- Task: Win a Raid
- Reward: Costumed Pikachu* (Shaymin Scarf) OR Munna* Encounter
- Task: Send 3 Gifts to Friends
- Reward: 5 Shaymin Candies
- Task: Open 3 Gifts
- Reward: 5 Shaymin Candies
Event Boxes
Special boxes will be made available in the in-game shop during the Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale. A full list of boxes, costs, and what items they contain will be added here once the event is live.
- Event Box (cost 85 PokéCoins, purchase limit 3): 1 Star Piece, 1 Poffin, and 1 Lucky Egg.
- Raid Box (cost 375 PokéCoins, purchase limit 3): 1 Egg Incubator, 3 Remote Raid Passes, and 5 Silver Pinap Berries.
- Training Box (cost 550 PokéCoins, purchase limit 3): 1 Pokémon Storage (50 slots), 1 Item Bag (50 slots), 30 Poké Balls, and 5 Lucky Eggs.
- Hatch Box (cost 1,180 PokéCoins, no purchase limit): 30 Ultra Balls, 6 Super Incubators, 4 Star Pieces, and 4 Egg Incubators.
- 3 Premium Battle Passes (free for ticket holders only, one-time only limit): 3 Premium Battle Passes
Avatar Items
Some brand new avatar items for Trainers will debut during the event – a hat inspired by Nihilego, a shirt inspired by Buzzwole, and an outfit inspired by the GO Ultra Recon Squad. You can find the item via the in-game shop and they’ll be available after the event ends.
Event Stickers
All Trainers will be able to collect special Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale-themed stickers throughout the weekend. You can get them by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and/or purchasing them from Pokémon GO’s in-game shop during the event.
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