Pokémon GO Fest returns this year, albeit a litter earlier than usual. Typically slated for July, this year the big two-day event is the first major event for the Season of GO! Similar to previous GO Fests, 2022’s will see the return of rotating habitats, Unown, the debut of a Mythical Pokémon (Shaymin), the Global Challenge Arena, and more. Given the teases for GO Fest, don’t be surprised if Ultra Beasts and Ultra Wormholes from the Alola region sneak their way in. Professor Willow will certainly be fascinated with the new discoveries!
Before we jump into all the details for Day 1 of Pokémon GO Fest 2022, be aware that some features will require a paid ticket. Priced at US$14.99 (or your local currency equivalent), ticket holders will get extra bonuses, Pokémon appearing via Incense, Special Research Stories, and more. We’ve noted what’s available to only ticket holders or all Trainers throughout the guide below.
The guide for Day 2 of Pokémon GO Fest 2022 can be found on a separate guide page.
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 – Day 1
Begins: Saturday, June 4th, 2022 at 10 a.m. your local time.
Ends: Saturday, June 4th, 2022 at 6 p.m. your local time.
Pokémon debuts – Shaymin, Gracidea Costumed Pikachu, and more
Welcome to Pokémon GO Fest 2022, where this year’s Mythical Pokémon exclusive to ticket holders is none other than Shaymin (Land Forme). To match with Shaymin, Pikachu will be dressed up as Gracidea Costumed Pikachu (which will be referred to as Costumed Pikachu for the remainder of the guide)!
That’s not all as there are a few Shiny Pokémon debuts t00 – Shroomish, Breloom, Numel, Camerupt, Karrablast, Escavalier, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus, Shelmet, and Accelgor.
For Unown collectors, you can find Unowns B, G, O, and U (and their Shiny versions) if you have a paid ticket to the event. This will be Shiny Unown B’s debut too!
Event Bonuses – Ticket Holders
- Earn up to 9 free Raid Passes when spinning Photo Discs at Gyms. These Raid Passes can only be used for in-person raids.
- Get special event Stickers from Gifts and PokéStops.
- Increased chance of encountering a Shiny Pokémon in the wild and when using Incense (chances higher on Day 1 vs. Day 2).
Event Bonuses – All Trainers
- Take a few snapshots during GO Fest for a surprise! (Costumed Pikachu photobomb spawn. Can be repeated up to 5 times.)
Habitats and Wild Encounters
Rotating habitats are back! This year there are four themed habitats: City, Plains, Rainforest, and Tundra. Each habitat has its own selection of Pokémon appearing in the wild and spawning via Incense (the last available to ticket holders only). The four habitats will be available via hourly rotations throughout the day.
The following Pokémon will be appearing in the wild for all Trainers:
- City Habitat: Magnemite*, Alolan Grimer*, Alolan Muk, Hitmonchan*, Baltoy*, Burmy (Trash Cloak)*, Bronzor*, Pidove*, Trubbish*, Gothita, Gothorita, Golett, Golurk, and Litten.
- If you’re lucky, you may encounter the following Pokémon: Costumed Pikachu* and Galarian Weezing*.
- Plains Habitat: Girafarig*, Dunsparce*, Larvitar*, Numel*, Trapinch*, Vibrava, Buizel*, Patrat*, Watchog, Drilbur, Shelmet*, Rufflet*, and Litleo*.
- If you’re lucky, you may encounter the following Pokémon: Costumed Pikachu* and Axew*.
- Rainforest Habitat: Mudkip*, Seedot*, Shroomish*, Slakoth*, Turtwig*, Grotle, Chimchar*, Monferno, Venipede, Karrablast*, Binacle*, Skrelp, Dragalge, and Rowlet.
- If you’re lucky, you may encounter the following Pokémon: Costumed Pikachu* and Pancham.
- Tundra Habitat: Omanyte*, Swinub*, Wingull*, Meditite*, Wailmer*, Spheal*, Sealeo, Piplup*, Prinplup, Vanillite, Cubchoo*, Beartic, Bergmite, and Popplio.
- If you’re lucky, you may encounter the following Pokémon: Costumed Pikachu* and Galarian Darumaka*.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Incense Encounters
Ticket holders can also encounter the following Pokémon with Incense activated:
- City Habitat: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Galarian Weezing*, and Klink*.
- Plains Habitat: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Torkoal, and Axew*.
- Rainforest Habitat: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Tropius, and Pancham.
- Tundra Habitat: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Galarian Mr. Mime, and Galarian Darumaka*.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
The following Pokémon will be appearing in Raids:
- One-Star Raids: Costumed Pikachu* and Axew*
- Three-Star Raids: Dartrix, Torracat, and Brionne.
- Five-Star Raids: Kyogre* and Groudon*.
Note: Pokémon marked with an * means that “If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!”
Special Research – Personalized Special Research (Ticket holders only)
Trainers who purchase a ticket to GO Fest will get a very special Special Research Story. According to Niantic, Trainers can select the focus (Catch, Explore, or Cattle) and difficulty (Relaxed, Standard, or Master) of the Special Research. Regardless of what focus and difficulty are chosen, Trainers can look forward to a catch encounter with Shaymin (Land Forme), a Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt, and a Gracidea Bouquet Pose. Here’s a brief summary of each focus:
- Catch: Complete tasks that focus on catching Pokémon, using items, and nailing your throws.
- Explore: Complete tasks that focus on hatching Eggs, spinning PokéStops, and exploring your surroundings.
- Battle: Complete tasks that focus on battling Team GO Rocket, participating in raids, and competing in the GO Battle League.
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Special Research – Steps 1, 1.5, and 2.5
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 | |
Step 1/7 | Reward |
Send a Gift to a Friend | 2 Incense |
Use an Incense | 22 Poké Balls |
Catch 10 Pokémon | 2 Pinap Berries |
Completion Rewards | 2 Razz Berries, 2 Poffins, and 2,022 XP |
Step 1.5/7 | Reward |
Branching Path: Focus on Battling | Complete tasks that focus on battling Team GO Rocket, participating in raids, and competing in the GO Battle League. |
Branching Path: Focus on Catching | Complete tasks that focus on catching Pokémon, using items, and nailing your throws. |
Branching Path: Focus on Exploring | Complete tasks that focus on hatching Eggs, spinning PokéStops, and exploring your surroundings. |
Step 2.5/7 | Reward |
Branching Path: Relaxed | Difficulty is set to easy. |
Branching Path: Standard | Difficulty is set to normal. |
Branching Path: Master | Difficulty is set to hard. |
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Special Research – Catch
Step 2 is the same for all difficulties: Relaxed, Standard, and Master. Steps 3 – 7 are specifically for the Master path. Relaxed and Standard versions will have easier tasks (i.e.: reduced number of throws, Pokémon caught, etc.).
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 – Catch (Master) | |
Step 2/7 | Reward |
Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms | 22 Poké Balls |
Complete 3 Field Research tasks | 2 Razz Berries |
Earn 3 hearts with your Buddy | 2 Lucky Eggs |
Completion Rewards | 2,022 XP, Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt, and 22 Poké Balls |
Step 3/7 | Reward |
Catch 15 different species of Pokémon | 2,022 Stardust |
Earn 5,000 Stardust | 22 Poké Balls |
Take a snapshot of your Buddy | 2 Incense |
Completion Rewards | 2 Pinap Berries, Klink Encounter, and 22 Great Balls |
Step 4/7 | Reward |
Make 5 Great Throws in a row | 2,022 XP |
Catch 30 Pokémon | 2 Pinap Berries |
Use 10 Pinap Berries while catching Pokémon | 22 Poké Balls |
Completion Rewards | 2,022 Stardust, Tropius Encounter, and 2 Rare Candies |
Step 5/7 | Reward |
Make 20 Curveball Throws | 2 Max Revives |
Make 20 Great Throws | 2 Star Pieces |
Make 20 Great Curveball Throws | 2 Lure Modules |
Completion Rewards | 2 Incense, Torkoal Encounter, and 22 Ultra Balls |
Step 6/7 | Reward |
Make 20 Excellent Throws | 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Make 2 Excellent Curveball Throws in a row | Galarian Mr. Mime Encounter |
Catch 30 different species of Pokémon | 2 Golden Razz Berries |
Completion Rewards | 2 Rare Candies, Shaymin (Land Forme) Encounter, and 22 Ultra Balls |
Step 7/7 | Reward |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 XP |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 Stardust |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 XP |
Completion Rewards | 22 Shaymin Candies, Gracidea Bouquet Pose, and 22 Professor Willow Stickers (Bronze, Silver, or Gold) |
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Special Research – Explore
Step 2 is the same for all difficulties: Relaxed, Standard, and Master. Steps 3 – 7 are specifically for the Master path. Relaxed and Standard versions will have easier tasks (i.e.: reduced number of throws, Pokémon caught, etc.). Note: Step 5 is currently incomplete and will be updated.
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 – Explore (Master) | |
Step 2/7 | Reward |
Open 3 Gifts | 2 Incubators |
Send 3 Gifts to Friends | 22 Poké Balls |
Give your Buddy 3 treats | 2,022 XP |
Completion Rewards | 2 Lucky Eggs, 1 Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt, and 2,022 Stardust |
Step 3/7 | Reward |
Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms | 2,022 Stardust |
Earn 3 hearts with your Buddy | 22 Great Balls |
Earn 6,000 XP | 3 Nanab Berries |
Completion Rewards | 2 Incubators, Klink Encounter, and 2,022 XP |
Step 4/7 | Reward |
Hatch 2 Eggs | 2,022 Stardust |
Complete 6 Field Research tasks | 2,022 XP |
Walk 1 km | 22 Poké Balls |
Completion Rewards | 2,022 Stardust, Tropius Encounter, and 2 Rare Candies |
Step 5/7 | Reward |
Earn 2 Candies walking with your Buddy | 2 Max Potions |
Catch 20 Pokémon | 2 Star Pieces |
Walk 2 km | 2 Lure Modules |
Completion Reward | 2 Super Incubators, Torkoal Encounter, and 2,022 XP |
Step 6/7 | Reward |
Hatch 5 Eggs | 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Spin 30 PokéStops or Gyms | Galarian Mr. Mime Encounter |
Earn 3 Candies walking with your Buddy | 2 Golden Razz Berries |
Completion Reward | 2 Rare Candies, Shaymin (Land Forme) Encounter, and 22 Ultra Balls |
Step 7/7 | Reward |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 XP |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 Stardust |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 XP |
Completion Reward | 22 Shaymin Candies, Gracidea Bouquet Pose, and 22 Professor Willow Stickers (Bronze, Silver, or Gold) |
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Special Research – Battle
Step 2 is the same for all difficulties: Relaxed, Standard, and Master. Steps 3 – 7 are specifically for the Master path. Relaxed and Standard versions will have easier tasks (i.e.: reduced number of throws, Pokémon caught, etc.).
Pokémon GO Fest 2022 – Battle (Master) | |
Step 2/7 | Reward |
Use a Charged TM | 2 Potions |
Power up Pokémon 3 times | 2 Super Potions |
Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms | 2 Hyper Potions |
Completion Rewards | 2 Max Potions, 1 Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt, and 2 Max Revives |
Step 3/7 | Reward |
Defeat 9 Team GO Rocket members | 2,022 Stardust |
Purify 6 Shadow Pokémon | 22 Great Balls |
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader | 2 Hyper Potions |
Completion Rewards | 2 Premium Battle Passes (Green), Klink Encounter, and 2 Revives |
Step 4/7 | Reward |
Win 3 Raids with a team of different Pokémon | 2 Charged TMs |
Win 3 Raids with your Buddy Pokémon | 2 Fast TMs |
Earn 60,000 XP | 22 Poké Balls |
Completion Rewards | 2,022 Stardust, Tropius Encounter, and 2 Rare Candies |
Step 5/7 | Reward |
Win 3 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League | 2 Max Potions |
Power up Pokémon 30 times | 2 Star Pieces |
Earn 30,000 Stardust | 2 Lure Modules |
Completion Reward | 2 Premium Battle Passes (Green), Torkoal Encounter, and 2 Max Revives |
Step 6/7 | Reward |
Defeat a Team GO Rock Leader 3 times | 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Win 3 Raids with a team of different Pokémon | Galarian Mr. Mime Encounter |
Win 6 Trainer Battles in GO Battle League | 2 Golden Razz Berries |
Completion Reward | 2 Rare Candies, Shaymin (Land Forme) Encounter, and 22 Ultra Balls |
Step 7/7 | Reward |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 XP |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 Stardust |
Claim Reward! | 2,022 XP |
Completion Reward | 22 Shaymin Candies, Gracidea Bouquet Pose, and 22 Professor Willow Stickers (Bronze, Silver, or Gold) |
- Sticker rewards are affected by difficulty level, but all other rewards are the same for all difficulty levels.
- Additional Special Research Stories will be available on Sunday, June 5th. This includes a free for all Trainers Special Research Story and an additional Special Research Story for ticket holders once completing the free Special Research Story that launches that same day.
Collection Challenge – City, Plains, Rainforest, and Tundra
There will be four Collection Challenges available during Day 1 of the event (and challenges end on Sunday, June 5th at 6 p.m. your local time). Each challenge relates to the rotating habitats. Complete the Collection Challenge and you’ll add another number to your Elite Collector medal! You’ll need to catch the following Pokémon in each challenge:
- City Habitat Challenge: Burmy (Trash Cloak), Alolan Grimer, Pidove, Gothita, Magnemite, Bronzor, Pidove, Trubbish, Litten, Hitmonchan, and Baltoy.
- Reward: 2,022 Stardust, Galarian Weezing Encounter, and 1 Incense.
- Plains Habitat Challenge: Litleo, Shelmet, Larvitar, Numel, Buizel, Trapinch, Drilbur, Girafarig, and Patrat.
- Reward: 2,022 Stardust, Axew Encounter, and 1 Incense.
- Rainforest Habitat Challenge: Turtwig, Shroomish, Venipede, Seedot, Karrablast, Mudkip, Rowlet, Slakoth, and Chimchar.
- Reward: 2,022 Stardust, Pancham Encounter, and 1 Incense.
- Tundra Habitat Challenge: Swinub, Meditite, Piplup, Omanyte, Cubchoo, Wailmer, Spheal, Popplio, and Wingull.
- Reward: 2,022 Stardust, Galarian Darumaka Encounter, and 1 Incense.
Global Challenge Arena
Returning to GO Fest is the Global Challenge Arena! Each hour, Trainers (that are ticket holders) can band together and complete a “collaborative challenge”. If the challenge is met, Trainers will get a bonus for the remainder of the hour. You can find the Global Challenge Arena in the Today View section of the game.
This feature is exclusive to ticket holders on Saturday, June 4th, but will be available to all Trainers on Sunday, June 5th.
Note: If Trainers complete at least 20 Global Challenges during Pokémon GO Fest, Ultra Unlock bonuses will be made available for the upcoming Adventure Week event.
Event Boxes
Special boxes will be made available in the in-game shop during Pokémon GO Fest 2022. Currently, there are five special boxes and each one requires PokéCoins (the game’s premium currency) to purchase:
- Catch Box (paid, 350 PokéCoins): 6 Golden Razz Berries, 30 Poké Balls, 10 Ultra Balls, and 30 Pinap Berries.
- Raid Box (paid, 425 PokéCoins): 10 Max Potions, 5 Max Revives, and 3 Remote Raid Passes.
- Training Box (paid, 550 PokéCoins): 1 Pokémon Storage upgrade, 1 Item Bag upgrade, 30 Poké Balls, and 5 Lucky Eggs.
- Battle Box (paid, 4,000 PokéCoins): 2 Elite Fast TMs, 2 Elite Charged TMs, 10 Rocket Radars, and 10 Poffins.
- Special Box (paid, 180 PokéCoins): 2 Premium Battle Passes (Green), 1 Lucky Egg, and 1 Star Piece.
Avatar Items
Some brand new avatar items for Trainers will debut during the event – Pokémon GO Fest 2022 Tee, Shaymin Hat, and Gracidea Face Sticker. You can find the item via the in-game shop and they’ll be available after the event ends.
Event Stickers
Ticket holders will be able to collect special Pokémon GO Fest 2022-themed stickers throughout the weekend. You can get them by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and/or purchasing them from Pokémon GO’s in-game shop during the event.
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