Fire Emblem Engage has finally arrived and I’m happy to report that amiibo still play a fun role in the game! If you’re new to the amiibo life or have a tub full of Fire Emblem amiibo like myself, join me on an amiibo scanning adventure as we see everything you can unlock in the game.
The Legendary Gazebo Draws Near!
Like with Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the amiibo Gazebo makes a return in Engage. But before you start tapping, you have a few things you need to know first:
The Gazebo is located in the Orchard in The Somniel. However, you will need to be in at least Chapter 6 before you can find it. Once unlocked, walk over to the gazebo in the middle of the garden and interact with it. Once you do, you will be greeted with a menu which will allow you to scan amiibo.
Scanning and Rewards
Tapping a “compatible” Fire Emblem amiibo at the “amiibo gazebo” will grant players a Fashion Ticket and a Music Ticket. These tickets can be used to unlock a costume or music track of your choice. So you don’t need to scan Lucina to get the Lucina costume. Spend your ticket as your see fit! Just remember, you can only scan amiibo five times each day, so choose wisely!
There are a wide variety of costumes you can unlock this way, including:
- Byleth
- Celica
- Corrin
- Eirika
- Ike
- Leif
- Lucina
- Lyn
- Marth
- Micaiah
- Roy
- Sigurd
You also have a chance to unlock a variety of songs as well. Check out the full list below:
- Beneath a New Light
- Destiny
- Echoes of Daybreak
- End of All
- End of the Holy War
- Fodlan Winds
- Let’s Go, Leif!
- The Devoted
- Trouble!
- Wind across the Plains
- With Mila’s Divine Protection
If you’re not sure you have a compatible Fire Emblem amiibo, take a look at the list below for every compatible amiibo available to date.
- Chrom (Smash)
- Byleth
- Roy
- Robin
- Lucina
- Corrin
- Corrin Player 2
- Marth
- Ike
- Chrom (FE Series)
- Tiki
- Alm
- Celica
Now, if you don’t have a Fire Emblem amiibo, you can still take advance of the gazebo’s blessings! Scan in any other amiibo figure to unlock random items you can use in your game. From our experience, we have seen things like tonics and food pop up, but your mileage may vary.
More Fire Emblem Engage guides
Looking for more help with Fire Emblem Engage? Check out our other guides!
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