One of the biggest additions in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is the Grand Underground, an expansion of the original Underground from Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version. The Grand Underground allows players to capture Pokémon outside of the standard Sinnoh Dex, set up cool Secret Bases, and farm useful items.
Keep reading for our full guide on the Grand Underground, including how to unlock it, what Pokémon can be found there, and much more.
How to unlock the Grand Underground in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Unlocking the Grand Underground requires you to make it to Eterna City, where you can find the games’ second Gym Leader, Gardenia. After beating the first Gym Leader in Oreburgh City, the Rock-type user Roark, head west back to Jubilife City and then north through the Ravaged Path, Floaroma Town, and Route 205, and then west through Eterna Forest. However, in order to access Eterna Forest, you must first defeat Team Galactic at the Valley Windworks.
In Eterna City, you’ll find the Underground Man in the house next to the Pokémon Center. The Underground Man will give you the Explorer’s Kit, which unlocks the Grand Underground and allows you to venture to it whenever you like! Note that you can’t enter the Grand Underground in buildings or caves.
Upon getting the Explorer’s Kit, the Underground Man will immediately force you to go to the Grand Underground. There, you’ll briefly meet Roark, who will then set you off to explore the various Grand Underground environments. Once you’re done catching or battling Pokémon, head back up to the surface by pressing “Y,” and the Underground Man will greet you with a gift of a Red Sphere S, Blue Sphere S, and Green Sphere S.
Head back into his house and talk to him again, and he’ll ask you to head back underground to search for treasure. At this point onward, you’ll have the option to enter the Grand Underground through local communication, over the internet, or entirely solo.
What are the different areas in the Grand Underground?
Like the original Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version, the Grand Underground is split into six distinct areas which are accessible from:
- Twinleaf Town
- Eterna City
- Celestic Town
- Snowpoint City
- Sunyshore City
- Fight Area
While the area names are the same as in the original games, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl offers brand-new layouts with each.
Each area offers a different environment and, consequently, different Pokémon encounters.
What Pokémon can be found in the Grand Underground Pokémon Hideaways?
Pokémon in the Grand Underground can be found in different “Pokémon Hideaways.” Each of these vary from each other, and many ‘mons are exclusive to these Hideaways.
Throughout the game, you’ll hit different points in which more Pokémon will start showing up in the Hideaways:
- Get Defog
- Get Strength
- Get Icicle Badge
- Get Waterfall
- Get National Pokédex
Pokémon in the Grand Underground have a chance of having one of their Egg Moves, and every time you enter a Hideaway, there’s a chance of a “Rare Spawn” occurring. Rare Spawns are how you catch Pokémon not in the standard Sinnoh Dex, like those featured in the expanded Poké Dex in Pokémon Platinum Version.
In both Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
- Absol
- Cricketot
- Duskull
- Budew
- Bidoof
- Gabite
- Gastly
- Gastrodon
- Geodude
- Gible
- Glalie
- Houndoom
- Lickitung
- Magnemite
- Machop
- Onix
- Psyduck
- Ralts
- Roselia
- Rhyhorn
- Shellos
- Shinx
- Smoochum
- Snorunt
- Swablu
- Swinub
- Togepi
- Burmy
- Zubat
Exclusive to Brilliant Diamond
- Scyther
- Gligar
- Elekid
Exclusive to Shining Pearl
- Pinsir
- Teddiursa
- Magby
We’re working on a complete list of all Pokémon that can be found in the Grand Underground, along with which biome they can be found in, so check back later for details!
What Levels are the Pokémon in the Grand Underground?
The Levels of Pokémon in the Grand Underground vary depending on your progression in the game:
Requirement | Level Range |
1 badge earned | 16-20 |
2 badges earned | 25-29 |
3 badges earned | 29-33 |
4 badges earned | 33-37 |
5 badges earned | 36-40 |
6 badges earned | 39-43 |
7 badges earned | 42-46 |
8 badges earned | 50-55 |
Post-Elite Four | 58-63 |
How do you dig in the Grand Underground?
Digging in the Grand Underground is very simple. When you see a glistening point along a tunnel wall, just interact with it to start digging. Your Explorer Kit contains both a hammer and mallet, which allows you to find goodies like Spheres, evolution items, shards, elemental plates, Heart Scales, Pokémon fossils, and much more hidden throughout the Grand Underground.
Here’s a full list of all the items found in the Grand Underground:
Item | How to Obtain |
Armor Fossil | Dig in the Grand Underground (Shining Pearl) |
Blue Shard | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Claw Fossil | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Damp Rock | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Dome Fossil | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Draco Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Dread Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Earth Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Everstone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Fire Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Fist Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Flame Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Float Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Green Shard | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Hard Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Heart Scale | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Heat Rock | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Helix Fossil | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Icicle Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Icy Rock | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Insect Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Iron Ball | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Iron Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Leaf Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Light Clay | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Max Revive | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Meadow Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Mind Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Moon Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Mysterious Shard L | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Mysterious Shard S | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Odd Keystone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Old Amber | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Oval Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Pixie Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Rare Bone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Red Shard | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Revive | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Root Fossil | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Skull Fossil | Dig in the Grand Underground (Brilliant Diamond) |
Sky Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Smooth Rock | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Splash Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Spooky Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Star Piece | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Stone Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Sun Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Thunder Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Toxic Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Water Stone | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Yellow Shard | Dig in the Grand Underground |
Zap Plate | Dig in the Grand Underground |
How to build a Secret Base in the Grand Underground
Secret Bases are cool ways to carve out your own personalizable areas within the Grand Underground. To unlock the ability to build a Secret Base, you’ll need to buy a Digger Drill from one of the shopkeepers you can find within the Grand Underground’s tunnels.
The cost of the Digger Drill is anywhere from 10 to 20 Spheres depending on which shopkeeper you buy it from. Spheres can be found through digging.
What are Pokémon Statues and how do I get them?
While digging in the Grand Underground, you may come across special boxes that contain Pokémon Statues. These can be displayed in your Secret Base and increase your odds of encountering certain Pokémon Types in Pokémon Hideaways. This is based on the Type of the Pokémon Statue. For example, if you place a Charmander Statue, you’ll boost your odds of finding Fire-type Pokémon, but if you place a Charizard Statue, you’ll boost your odds of finding both Fire and Flying-Type Pokémon.
There are three types of Pokémon Statues: Standard, Color, and Legendary. Each version gives a bigger odds boost than the previous.
- To get Standard Statues, you need to dig up Pretty Boxes.
- To get Color Statues, you need to dig up Gorgeous Boxes. These Statues boost the odds increase by 2x.
- To get Legendary Statues, you need to catch the relevant Legendary Pokémon in Ramanas Park. These Statues boost the odds increase by 3x.
More Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl guides
Looking for more help with Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? Check out our other guides!

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