While Sinnoh has a fairly modest Pokédex of its own, it did give plenty of Pokémon much needed evolutions. Several new methods were introduced, including evolution brought about by knowing certain moves. Seven evolutions were move dependent in Gen IV, and have remained so in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. One of these evolutions is Happiny, the Gen IV pre-evolution of Gen I’s Chansey.
Read on to learn how to evolve Happiny into Chansey (and Blissey), and where to find the former!
Where to find Happiny in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
One of the first Pokémon able to evolve via item you’re likely to encounter in BDSP is Happiny, and you can receive an egg containing one in Hearthome City. Happiny can also be found in both Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in the Trophy Garden, where you’ll have a 10% chance of encountering one at Level 16-18 at any time of day.
How to evolve Happiny into Chansey in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Happiny evolves into Chansey by leveling up while holding an Oval Stone during the day.
Where to find an Oval Stone in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
You can find an Oval Stone readily in the Lost Tower, on Route 209. They can also be found as treasure in the Grand Underground. Once you have one, have Happiny hold it and gain a single level – no trading required!
How to evolve Chansey into Blissey in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Happiny evolution line also has one more Pokémon at the end of it: Blissey. If you want, you can evolve your Chansey into Blissey by leveling up while having high friendship. Then you can sit back and revel in just how far your little Happiny has come!
More Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl guides
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