One of the few new things added to the formula in the faithful remakes that are Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is the ability to change your character’s outfit. The addition of character customization to the game is not available right away, however, and does come with a few caveats.
How to unlock the Metronome Style Shop
In order to unlock the ability to change their trainer’s style, players will need to reach Veilstone City, home of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s third gym. Despite being home to the third gym, it’s actually the ninth town you’ll come across, meaning you’ll be pretty far into the game before you reach it. Once in Veilstone, you’ll find the Metronome Style Shop near the Pokémon Center; it’s the building adorned by two Clefairy.
At the Metronome Style Shop players will find that they can purchase new outfits or change into any of the outfits they already own. At the time of writing there are nine styles available in the shop and one additional style available through Mystery Gift, which I’ll touch on a little later.
The caveat to the different styles of clothing in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is that each style is all or nothing. Unlike Pokémon Sword and Shield or other titles in the franchise, you cannot pick and choose with articles of clothing to wear. You are only able to equip the entire set at once. Each set also has an associated hair style, which is unable to be changed otherwise.
How to unlock the Platinum Style outfit
Besides the nine styles you can purchase at the Metronome Style Shop, there is currently one style unlockable through Mystery Gift until February 22, 2022. Head into the Mystery Gift option in your menu, select “Get via Internet” and once your gift is found, select Clothing Gift to receive the Platinum Style. As the name implies, the Platinum Style outfit changes the player character into either Dawn’s or Lucas’ clothing from Pokémon Platinum. The downside is that you still have to progress the game to the Metronome Style Shop in order to change into the Platinum Style.
More Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl guides
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