Sinnoh’s Lake Guardians will make themselves known in the course of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s story, but catching them remains an optional endeavor. Thankfully two out of these three Legendaries are fairly straightforward to catch, though the third will require a little leg work. Read on to learn when and how you can add this trio of Psychic-types to your collection.
Note that reading any further will contain some spoilers for the story found in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, not to mention the original Gen IV games.
Where to find Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
While you’ll pass by their homes during your journey through Sinnoh, you won’t be able to catch Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf until you’ve stopped Cyrus’ plan to harness the power of Dialga or Palkia at the Spear Pillar. Once you’ve defeated the Team Galactic leader, you can backtrack to their respective lakes to try and catch them. Each will be level 50, so come prepared with that in mind!
Where to find Uxie in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Uxie can be found at Lake Acuity, in the Acuity Cavern found at its center. You can Surf your way there, enter, and save before approaching Uxie to start the battle.
Where to find Mesprit in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Mesprit can be found at Lake Verity, in the Verity Cavern at the lake’s center. After Surfing to the cave and approaching Mesprit, it will then flee the cave and begin roaming Sinnoh. Thankfully your brief interaction will log it in your Pokédex, meaning you don’t have to catch it or track it down for the sake of earning the National Dex.
As with all roaming Pokémon, it has a tendency to flee as soon as possible and change routes as you do. Flying will send it off to a completely different location, so plan your approach carefully and use moves that prevent escape (such as Mean Look) to try and add Mesprit to your collection.
Where to find Azelf in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Azelf can be found at Lake Valor, in the Valor Cavern found at its center. You can Surf your way there, enter, and save before approaching Azelf to start the battle.
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