Review: Blaster Master Zero

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

A new console usually means getting excited about a game that makes the most of the hardware — which in turn will help the game itself look fantastic and give players the opportunity to do things that couldn’t be done before. Sometimes though, it pays off to go back and…

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Review: The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+

Categories: Switch, Reviews

The twisted brainchild of Super Meat Boy’s Edmund McMillen, The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ gained notoriety back in 2011 for its unique combination of accessible roguelike ideas, crude humor and deeply masochistic mechanics. Only expected to sell a few hundred copies during its initial release, Isaac became an overnight sensation,…

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Review: Graceful Explosion Machine

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Reviews, Switch

In Seaside, Oregon, there’s a huge arcade on the main street in town. It has racing games, shooters and fighters. Modern games fill the majority of the square footage. There is, however, a small corner that contains classic arcade cabinets with games such as Ms. Pac-Man, Street Fighter and, most…

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Review: Snake Pass

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Several games define themselves on their movement, though usually this comes down to things like flight or water travel. Those at Sumo Digital are no strangers to this, having worked on plane mechanics and water physics for Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed. For the company’s latest, it’s decided to…

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Review: Fast RMX

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Growing up, I loved racing games — from Mario Kart, to F-Zero, to Need for Speed, they were a huge part of my childhood. And racing games, much like fighting games, were an exciting way to find out who among my friends could stay on top the longest. Not to…

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Review: Mario Sports Superstars

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, 3DS, Amiibo News

Mario sports games have varied wildly in quality and content over the years. Some are barebones but stand on their gameplay well enough, like Mario Tennis 64; others have pushed the plumber in new directions, like the aggressively stylized Mario Strikers games. More recently we’ve seen improvements via added functionality…

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Review: Has-Been Heroes

Categories: Switch, Reviews

As I continue to get older and the burden of adult responsibilities weighs on my soul, I find myself increasingly drawn away from my childhood obsession with time-consuming RPGs for the bite-sized, pick-up-and-play allure of roguelikes. Often taking well under an hour per run, the genre is perfectly tailored for…

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Review: Nintendo Switch Pro Controller

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

I’m a bit of a controller fan. I always have been, mostly due to Nintendo’s presence in my childhood. The company’s great controllers have been a strong anchor for nostalgia in my life, leading to my lifelong dream of owning every official variant of the GameCube controller. Despite this, I…

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Review: Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment

Categories: Switch, Reviews

As Simon Belmont’s illegitimate son and lifelong protégé of Dr. Light, to say I’m a mega fan of the blue burrower would be a gross understatement. A love letter to many of the 8-bit classics near and dear to my heart, Shovel Knight proved a massive feat of gaming ingenuity…

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Review: Super Bomberman R

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

When it comes to multiplayer there are few games that can boast as lasting and consistent a legacy as Bomberman. The overall game design hasn’t changed much in the last 33 years and with good reason: it still works incredibly well. There’s an inherent madness that comes along with a…

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Review: VOEZ

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Reviews, Switch

One of my favorite genres on handheld platforms is rhythm – Elite Beat Agents was in my DS cart slot for months at a time, and I’d still argue Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call is one of the best 3DS games out there. It’s not like I’m a music buff…

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