Review: RPG Maker Fes

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

Even the greatest game developers have to start somewhere — and for many years, that somewhere has been RPG Maker. A series of software development tools primarily for PC, the toolkits allow budding game designers to make their own RPGs with no programming knowledge required. And now the series hits…

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Review: ARMS

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

When it isn’t inventing them itself, Nintendo’s always had a knack for refining genres and presenting its own signature spin. We most recently saw this with Splatoon, a game that plenty shrugged off on its reveal, and it now stands as the finest thing to come out of the Wii…

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Review: Cave Story+

Categories: Reviews, Switch

There are few games as important, influential or impeccable as Cave Story. Originally developed by one man, Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya, and released for free in 2004, it’s often regarded as the father of modern indie games — in no small part due to its creativity, efficiency and mastery of game…

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Review: Thumper

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Rhythm Violence. That’s the phrase that Drool uses to describe its latest rhythm game, Thumper. As simple as that phrase is, it encompasses the heart and soul of the game in a way that a longer sentence has a hard time doing. Drool was started by two ex-employees of Harmonix,…

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Review: Disgaea 5 Complete

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

The Switch’s library continues to grow and fill in genre gaps, and descending upon the world to fulfill that strategy RPG need is Disgaea 5 Complete. Originally released on the PS4 two years ago, the latest entry in the hellishly delightful Disgaea franchise comes to the Switch with all its…

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Review: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Ever since its superpowered inception, Mario Kart’s been a defining tour de force for showing off Nintendo’s latest console creations. From the 64-bit system’s penchant for four player multiplayer mayhem to the Wii’s focus on intuitive motion control steering, the flagship franchise makes it a point to use every trick…

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Review: Kamiko

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Games are a funny business. Sometimes we purchase AAA titles that we ditch after a few hours, and other times we find dinky little flash games that keep us up all night. Some lengthy experiences can feel empty and devoid of value, while shorter games can have a profound influence…

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Review: TumbleSeed

Categories: Reviews, Switch

The best video games start with a seedling of an idea — a singular core concept that lies at the heart of the gameplay experience — and slowly nourishes it to perfection. Mario’s tight platforming, Zelda’s scope of adventure and Metroid’s sense of exploration are all prime examples of franchises…

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Review: Puyo Puyo Tetris

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Crossovers and puzzle games have a lot in common. It all comes down to lining up the pieces just right to keep things balanced, careful planning to keep it going smoothly, and a sense of energy and celebration to really highlight the best of the base parts. I may not…

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