Review: Sonic Mania

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Disclaimer: The following review was completed using the PlayStation 4 version of Sonic Mania. After playing through on the Switch version as well, we’ve determined impressions and score still hold though there are some minor performance issues on the system. Some of my earliest memories are of playing Sonic 2…

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Review: Hey! Pikmin

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

Before those squid kids took over the internet and Animal Crossing made the whole world wild, Pikmin was my defining example of Nintendo’s ability to produce unique IPs in the present. The little game that brought a sense of being a stranded space explorer in a world that made you…

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Review: Miitopia

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

Games starring Miis have never been extremely robust, though they are often entertaining. Ever since these little avatars arrived on the scene in 2006, Nintendo has been sticking them just about everywhere it can, from small guest roles in games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. to starring roles…

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Review: Namco Museum

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Arcades were a huge part of my childhood, more often than not I visited them with my family. It was thanks to my mom that I developed an appreciation for Pac-Man, and from that I started to explore Namco’s larger lineup of classics. Make no mistake, these games are some…

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Review: Splatoon 2

Categories: Switch, Reviews

The original Splatoon made waves upon its initial release back in 2015, proving a fresh take on a genre typically plagued by uninspired tropes, muted color palettes and muscular Michaels. A quirky competitive shooter where fashion-savvy squid kids quite literally paint the town red, the game quickly super jumped to…

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Review: Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Before playing Fate/Extella, all I knew about the franchise was that it had a female version of King Arthur while the plot revolved around the Holy Grail. Going in, I generally assumed it would be a quirky anime take on the Knights of the Round Table (maybe we’d see the…

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Review: Death Squared

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Hello, my name is Jaxson Tapp, and I am an addict. A puzzle game addict. Almost any puzzle game will get me my fix, sure, but only the best puzzle games are going to sink their hooks into me. Thanks to my years of puzzle obsession, I’ve come to learn…

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Review: Kirby’s Blowout Blast

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

Kirby’s no stranger to games that deviate from what could be called his series’ formula. Games like Tilt ‘n Tumble and Epic Yarn carry the Kirby name in ways that feature unique gameplay or visuals, while others like Dream Course offer an existing sort of game type with a suitable…

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Review: GoNNER

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Captivated by a crying child’s traumatized trek through the nine circles of hell and the twin-stick tumblings of a certain sacred seedling, it’s no secret that I’ve become quite the glutton for punishment afforded by the infamously challenging genre known as the roguelike. In fact, not a week goes by…

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Review: Ever Oasis

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

I’ll be the first to admit these tattered thumbs have lost track of the countless calamities put to rest and worlds saved from complete and utter annihilation. In my 30 years spent tirelessly battling the forces of evil, I’ve traversed the Wings of Time alongside sentient frog knights under a…

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Review: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

Categories: Switch, Reviews

From Shovel Knight and Wonder Boy to the Blue Blur’s triumphant return to blast processing, Nintendo’s new portable console is quickly becoming the go-to place for gaming’s most hallowed mascots and fans of old school platforming. Not to be left in the dust, the pharaoh of this retro renaissance, WayForward,…

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