Review: Moon Hunters

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

For the last two weeks my life has revolved around one thing — hunting moons. I’m currently on a quest to play Super Mario Odyssey to 100% completion, with over 800 Power Moons and counting. I’ve also been tracking down a couple of pretty rad Funko POPs, created in the…

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Review: Ittle Dew 2+

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Switch, Reviews

In recent years, more and more indie games have begun to take heavy inspiration from the Legend of Zelda franchise, each with its own twists on the formula. Binding of Isaac marries the first NES game’s dungeons with a roguelike randomizer, while Oceanhorn takes things isometric. Ludosity’s Ittle Dew, meanwhile,…

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Review: VVVVVV

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

It’s been seven years since VVVVVV first came out and in that time it’s been released on several platforms, including the 3DS and even smartphones. Yet in all these years I somehow managed to not play it. It was the type of game I’d always hear mentioned among other unquestionably…

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Review: Sonic Forces

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Switch, Reviews

It’s been four years since Sonic Team’s last outing, Sonic Lost World on the Wii U. In that time, the branch of Sega in charge of the Blue Blur was working on Sonic Forces, the next 3D adventure for Sonic & friends. The marketing bragged that Forces was made by…

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Review: Super Beat Sports

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Rhythm gaming is something I hold very near and dear to my heart. It’s easy to understand and hard to master, both as a player and as a developer. Those behind Harmonix aren’t strangers to rhythm gaming by any means; after all, they brought Rock Band and Guitar Hero onto…

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Review: Doom for Nintendo Switch

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Doom and I have been on quite the journey together. I remember when I was ten years old, watching my dad play the groundbreaking original title on his Compaq desktop and being floored at what I saw. Up until that moment, video games had been colorful, cheerful and two-dimensional affairs…

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Review: Super Mario Odyssey

Categories: Reviews, Switch

I was ten years old when Super Mario 64 first revolutionized 3D gaming as we know it. Leaping onto North American shores two weeks before my birthday, I vividly remember tearing into that plastic, snatching out the cart and sitting glued to my parent’s television for hours on end, slack-jawed…

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Review: Fire Emblem Warriors

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, 3DS, Reviews

Please note: This game is available on both the Nintendo Switch and New 3DS systems. For the purposes of this review, we’ve played the Switch version. 2017’s been very good to Fire Emblem. I’ve been playing Heroes daily since it released, and Shadows of Valentia stands as one of the…

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Review: Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

Over the years, Etrian Odyssey has become one of my favorite smaller franchises on the 3DS. Its retro feel and tight mechanics coupled with a vivid style make every single entry solid, even if few really stand out. And while there’s been a smattering of games on the system —…

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Review: Tiny Barbarian DX

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Reviews, Switch

There’s no shortage of outstanding indie games on the Nintendo Switch right now, and it’s far too easy to let an indie gem slip through the cracks. One outstanding indie you can’t let pass by is Tiny Barbarian DX. Tiny Barbarian combines fast action platforming with an unforgettable look and…

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