Review: Ōkami HD

Categories: Reviews, Switch

The ultimate judge of any property, whether it be a movie, book, or TV show, is time. Popular works that are lauded in their day may be forgotten within a year. Nostalgic favorites may be revisited later, only to have aged poorly in the interim. This is especially true for…

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Review: Overcooked! 2

Categories: Reviews, Switch

Monopoly and Mario Party are some of the most frustratingly fun games I’ve ever had the (dis)pleasure of playing. To this day my family can’t finish a round of either without rage quits, hissyfits, and idle threats to the winner’s physical and mental wellbeing. To an outsider we look crazy,…

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Review: Iconoclasts on Switch

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Video games are one of the most complex forms of entertainment to create, whether done with a handful of people or a company of hundreds. As you can imagine, this simple observation is especially true when tackling a project solo — a commendable accolade only a revered few can claim….

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Review: Code of Princess EX

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Some of my favorite arcade memories date back to side-scrolling beat ‘em ups. Games like Final Fight, The Simpsons, Golden Axe, and more always struck a chord both for their great challenge curves and their multiplayer potential. As a genre it struggled to persist once the industry shifted to home…

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Review: The Banner Saga 3

Categories: Switch, Reviews

While today it’s just a mildly fancy synonym for “story,” the term “saga” originally denoted specific histories — Nordic and Germanic yarns of the past, grand tales of journeys, feuds, and heroes that shaped the present day. And while many a fantasy series or book has utilized the term for…

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Review: Mega Man X Legacy Collection

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

With 30 years’ worth of adventures you’d think tastes would vary for Mega Man fans just as much as the robot’s adaptive abilities do. While the Classic games are always what comes to mind for me and I know plenty of fans of Legends and Battle Network, it’s Mega Man…

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Review: Sonic Mania Plus

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Easily one of the most satisfying and fun experiences you could have on Switch and any system was Sonic Mania. The return to roots for Sega’s Blue Blur wasn’t just a celebration of everything Sonic was in his prime; it also represented a joining of experienced fans and developers to…

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Review: Wolfenstein II on Nintendo Switch

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is the third AAA port to the Switch from the good folks over at Panic Button Games, and in my opinion, it’s the most ambitious venture of them all. With last year’s fantastic ports of Doom and Rocket League, Panic Button had some mighty big…

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