Beta64 analyzes Super Mario Odyssey’s early days

Categories: Switch, Retro

Super Mario Odyssey is the latest title that Beta64 is tackling — scouring footage all the way back to last year’s Nintendo Switch announcement to exploring the press playthroughs of searching New Donk City and Tostarena. There are hours of before and after comparisons out there already, and in this…

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Nintendo Wiretap (12/18/17)

Categories: Mobile, News, Retro, Switch

Please understand: This newest edition of the Nintendo Wiretap does not include the video version. The video, however, will return this Wednesday. Look forward to it, and more, this week! Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best,…

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Square Enix puts together Final Fantasy Fan Tribute video

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Retro

A few months ago, Square Enix started accepting submissions for a Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Fan Tribute video, with a focus being on the now-iconic Opening Theme from the original NES game. Now, on the exact anniversary of its release, the company has uploaded the full compilation. It’s a bit…

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