ARMS getting four panel manga series in CoroCoro

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Merchandise

For a few years now, popular Japanese magazine CoroCoro has been host to a comedic Splatoon manga series. Now, Nintendo’s latest multiplayer title ARMS is getting the same treatment, according to the game’s official Japanese Twitter account. Much like the Splatoon manga, the four panel ARMS strips will be humorous…

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New Nintendo Switch ad highlights variety

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

It’s almost been six months since the Nintendo Switch first launched back in March and we’ve already seen quite the library of titles. This latest commercial from Nintendo UK highlights just how varied the selection has become, showcasing not just recent games like ARMS and Splatoon but also upcoming titles…

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A tour through the Pokémon World Championships 2017

Categories: 3DS, Merchandise

This past weekend the Pokémon World Championships found a home at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. A Hoppip, Skiploom and Jumpluff away from the Disneyland Resort, a different lovable mouse was partying around the city. Pikachu just happened to bring competitors from all over the world to see…

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