Review: Stretchmo

Author: Josh Brown
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

It’s impossible to tell whether or not Nintendo had high hopes for Pushmo when it was released for the 3DS in 2011, and whether or not there were any plans to turn that little downloadable title on the eShop into a full-fledged series. While the main character, Mallo, was incredibly…

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Taking a closer look at Mario Maker

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Wii U

Super Mario Bros. is, without question, one of the most important video games of all-time. It is not a difficult argument to make that it is the most important video game of all-time, though in a world populated with Pong, Spacewar!, Tetris, Super Mario 64 and several others, I’ll leave…

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Mario joins the fun in Puzzle & Dragons Z

Author: Josh Brown
Categories: 3DS

In an announcement back in March, Nintendo announced a partnership with DeNA that would bring beloved Nintendo franchises and characters to mobile devices, i.e., smartphones and tablets. While the news may have rocked the gaming world, it really shouldn’t have come as a shocker, considering the gaming giant has been…

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