Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s latest DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part Two: The Indigo Disk, is finally available worldwide. This latest DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet introduces a brand-new customization for your Trainer in the form of new Poké Ball throwing styles. These new throwing styles change the way you throw your Poké Ball both when sending your Pokémon out for battle and when you throw a Poké Ball to catch a Pokémon. The below guide will show you how to unlock every throwing style in The Indigo Disk.
Step One: Your first Blueberry Academy class, beating Carmine and getting introduced to Drayton
As you start the story of The Indigo Disk, you’ll be invited by Lacey to take your first class in the Coastal Biome. Head over there and you’ll be tasked with catching one Alolan Form Pokémon. Wander around the area a bit and you’re sure to come across an Alolan Grimer or Alolan Exeggutor.
Once you’ve caught your Alolan Form Pokémon, class will be dismissed, Lacey will have to run off somewhere, and you’ll receive a call from your old friend Carmine, a Blueberry Academy student first introduced in The Teal Mask. Carmine wants to see you and will invite you to the Terarium’s Central Plaza. Once there, she will challenge you to a battle because, well, it’s a Pokémon game, what else would she do?
Upon beating Carmine in this battle (Good luck! She’s tough), you’ll be introduced to another Blueberry Academy student, Drayton. Drayton is a member of Blueberry Academy’s League Club, an extracurricular club focused on battling to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer in the school. At the end of your conversation, Drayton will invite you into the League Club’s club room, the League Club Room. When it comes to unlocking new throwing styles, this is where the magic happens.
Step Two: The League Club’s computer, contributing BP, and learning new throwing styles.
When you get to the League Club Room, Drayton will explain that Blueberry Academy has several different clubs, and that there is a system in place allowing Trainers to donate their Blueberry Points (BP) to other clubs to help support them. He’ll then gift you 200 BP so he can teach you how to contribute BP to other clubs. To start off with, he suggests donating your BP to Mitch at the Baseball Club. Walk over to the computer and select the Baseball Club option, letting you contribute 150 BP to their club. In return, Mitch will teach you two brand-new throwing styles, Smug Style and Elegant Style.
From this point forward, you can use the League Club computer to change your equipped throwing style by donating 10 more BP to the Baseball Club. Besides the default throwing style, you’ll start out with three other styles to choose from, plus the two you just learned from Mitch:
Left-handed Style
Reverent Style
Dainty Style
Smug Style
Elegant Style
Step three: unlocking the rest of the Poké Ball throwing styles
After your first go ’round learning Poké Ball throwing styles from Mitch, you can use the League Club computer at any time to donate more BP to the Baseball Club and learn new throwing styles.
Your second batch of throwing styles will cost you 150 BP, just like the first, and you’ll learn two more throwing styles:
Twirling Style
Ninja Style
The last throwing style you’ll learn will set you back 300 BP, and will delight fans of a certain former Champion from the Galar region:
Galarian Star Style
And there you have it! In total, there are eight brand new Poké Ball throwing styles in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part Two: The Indigo Disk. Let us know which one is your favorite over on Twitter!
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