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What’s better than eating a delicious sandwich and catching Shiny Pokémon? Nothing that I can think of. In Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, a new sandwich-making mechanic was added to the game that, when made properly, can add loads of different enhancements to your journey. Some sandwiches boost your Pokémon’s Attack or Defense stats, while others boost the rate of Shiny Pokémon that appear!



Before you get started with the recipe list below, keep in mind that one specific type of ingredient called “Herba Mystica” only appears to drop after you have beaten the main game. So, like the Shiny charm before it, don’t expect to get boosted Shiny rates right out of the gate. If you’ve beaten the game, continue on to see what you need to make some sammichs!

Please note: Unfortunately, there isn’t just one sandwich that boosts all Shiny rates. Nope! You will have to make a unique sandwich for each type of Pokémon you want to boost.

Check out the full list of recipes below:


Boosted TypeIngredients Effect
Normal1X Chorizo, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Normal-Type Spawns and Shiny Rates
Fire1X Basil, 1X Sweet Herba Mystica, 1X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Fire-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Water1X Cucumber, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Water-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Grass1X Lettuce, 1X Salty Herba Mystica, 1X Sour Herba MysticaBoosted Grass-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Flying1X Prosciutto, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Flying-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Fighting1X Pickles, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Fighting-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Poison1X Noodles, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Poison-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Electric1X Yellow Bell Pepper, 1X Salty Herba Mystica, 1X Spicy Herba MysticaBoosted Electric-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Ground1X Ham, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Ground-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Rock1X Jalapeño, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Rock Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Psychic1X White Onion, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Psychic-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Ice1X Klawf Stick, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Ice-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Bug1X Cherry Tomatoes, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Bug-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Ghost1X Red Onion, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Ghost-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Steel1X Hamburger, 1X Sweet Herba Mystica, 1X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Steel-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Dragon1X Avocado, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Dragon-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Dark1X Smoked Filet, 1X Sweet Herba Mystica, 1X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Dark-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate
Fairy1X Tomatoes, 2X Salty Herba MysticaBoosted Fairy-Type Spawns and Shiny Rate


More Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides


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Written by Jason Ganos

Nintendo super fan since birth, Jason is the creator of Amiibo News and editor-in-chief at Nintendo Wire. One of his life goals is to provide the latest Nintendo news to fellow gamers with his natural know-how.