Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s latest DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part Two: The Indigo Disk, is finally available worldwide. Trainers looking to dive right into The Indigo Disk and visit Blueberry Academy and its Terarium need to be aware that there are certain prerequisites for beginning The Indigo Disk, unlike there were for Part One of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero: The Teal Mask. Below you’ll find a complete guide to starting The Indigo Disk:
Step One: Complete the main story of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
The first task you’ll need to complete to access Blueberry Academy is to beat the main story of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This means you’ll need to complete all three initial storylines: Victory Road, Starfall Street, and Path of Legends. After doing so, you’ll need to complete the fourth storyline in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Way Home.
Step Two: Complete the story of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part One: The Teal Mask
The second step towards unlocking The Indigo Disk will be to complete the first part of the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC, The Teal Mask. Trainers will need to travel to Kitakami to tackle the storyline there, encountering Carmine, Kieran, Ogrepon, and more. Once you’ve completed the storyline offered in The Teal Mask, you will be free to begin The Indigo Disk.
Step Three: Speak with Director Cyrano and Director Clavell at Naranja/Uva Academy
Once you’ve completed all of the main story of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you will receive a call from Director Clavell, asking you to meet him in his office at Naranja/Uva Academy in Mesagoza. Head over there to meet him at your earliest convenience.
Once you arrive at the Academy, you will meet a mysterious man in the lobby, who turns out to be Director Cyrano of Unova’s Blueberry Academy. Rather than meeting in Clavell’s office, Cyrano elected to meet you out in the lobby instead, much to Clavell’s annoyance. While speaking with Cyrano and Clavell, you will be invited to Blueberry Academy as a part of their exchange program.
Step Four: Speak with Cyrano at Naranja/Uva Academy once more to head to Blueberry Academy
Once you are done with your initial conversation with Cyrano and Clavell, you only need to speak to Cyrano once more to head to Blueberry Academy and begin The Indigo Disk DLC. Director Cyrano will stay in the lobby of Naranja/Uva Academy until you speak with him, so take your time getting ready to embark on your newest adventure.
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