Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s latest DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part Two: The Indigo Disk, is finally available worldwide. This latest DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet introduces a couple of new evolutions for previously discovered Pokémon, one of which is outlined below.
- Archaludon: A Steel/Dragon Type Pokémon that evolves from Duraludon
How to evolve Duraludon into Archaludon
Evolving Duraludon into Archaludon in The Indigo Disk is a pretty easy process. First, you’ll need a Duraludon, so head to the Polar Biome, the northwest region of the Terarium and catch yourself one.
Next, you’ll need to get your hands on a brand new item called Metal Alloy. Metal Alloy can be obtained in a few ways in The Indigo Disk. The easiest way to find a Metal Alloy is to make your way to Chargestone Cavern in the Terarium’s Canyon Biome, the entrance to which is in the below screenshot:
Once inside Chargestone Cavern, make your way to the upper level and head to the middle of the cavern, where you’ll see a Tera Porygon. If you head directly east of the Tera Porygon, you’ll come across a PokéBall containing an item on the ground, right next to a large clump of chargestone inside of this Pokéball is a Metal Alloy, which you can now use on your Duraludon to evolve it into an Archaludon.
You can also buy more Metal Alloy from Blueberry Academy’s School Store for 300 Blueberry points. Completing Blueberry Quests (BBQs) will reward you with these Blueberry Points and allow you to purchase items from the School Store.
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