Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s latest DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part Two: The Indigo Disk, is finally available worldwide. This latest DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet introduces a couple of new evolutions for previously discovered Pokémon, one of which is outlined below.
- Hydrapple: A Grass/Dragon Pokémon that evolves from Dipplin
How to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple
Evolving Dipplin into Hydrapple is going to take a bit more work than tracking down an evolution item in the Terarium. Instead, Dipplin will evolve into Hydrapple if it levels up while knowing the move Dragon Cheer, a brand-new move introduced in The Indigo Disk. The only problem is that Dragon Cheer is a TM-exclusive move, and you’ll have to take on one of Blueberry Academy’s Elite Four to obtain it.
Advance the story of The Indigo Disk until you’re able to challenge the Blueberry Elite Four, and then you’ll be able to track down and challenge the Dragon-Type Trainer, Drayton. Drayton can be found in the Polar Region of the Terarium, and you’ll need to bring your A-game to defeat him and get TM 266, Dragon Cheer. Normally, you’d need 50 Blueberry Points to challenge a member of the BB Elite Four, but Drayton waives the fee for you since you’re friends.
Once you start the challenge, Drayton will task you with taking down three Trainers using only Pokémon that you’ve caught in the Terarium. Once you do so, you’ll be able to fight Drayton himself. Luckily, Drayton won’t make you fight him with Terarium-caught Pokémon, you’ll be able to use whichever Pokémon you choose.
It’s a tough fight, but if you manage to beat him, he’ll reward you with TM 266, Dragon Cheer. Now that you have the TM in hand, you can teach the move to Dipplin and once Dipplin levels up one time, it will evolve in Hydrapple.
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