Review: Floor Kids

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

As my Switch library’s grown I started to feel like something was missing. Every one of my favorite genres was represented in some way except for one crucial piece: a rhythm game. There were options, sure — and nothing against them — but it wasn’t until Floor Kids threw down…

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Review: Brawlout for Nintendo Switch

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: News, Reviews, Switch

I’m a huge fan of indie games that attempt to replicate a beloved series or genres. Games like Planet Freedom or Yooka-Laylee reflect the feeling of a bygone era for fans who want to relive some of their favorite, yet obsolete experiences. Other indie games, like Skullgirls, are made by…

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Review: Enter the Gungeon

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Guns and video games — a marriage seemingly as old as Father Time himself, feared by moms and demonized by politicians the world over. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, these controversial pickups remain one of the most diverse and useful tools in the game designer’s box, providing countless creative gameplay…

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Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Switch, Reviews

If you’ve been gaming in any capacity for the past decade you’ve no doubt played one of TT Games’ Lego-branded licensed adventures. Like clockwork, the company has pushed out at least one game every year since 2005, usually with the same basic mechanics and structure. Unfortunately, they quickly became hit-or-miss,…

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Review: The End is Nigh

Categories: Reviews, Switch

The Nintendo Switch is quickly becoming my go-to place to feed my appetite for punishingly hard platformers. Back in August the boldly bouncy Slime-san wormed its way into my brain, followed more recently by the gravity defying visionary VVVVVV. Soon we’ll see legendary game designer Edmund McMillen’s meaty mascot beefing…

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Review: Resident Evil Revelations Collection

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Originally released for the Nintendo 3DS in early 2012, almost a year-on from the system’s launch, Resident Evil: Revelations showed just how capable the little system could be. Sure, we had beautiful games like Pilotwings Resort and Ocarina of Time 3D in that first year, but very few attempted realistic…

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Review: Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been a fan of Pokémon. For more than 20 years I’ve eagerly awaited new releases in the series, devouring every new bit of information about every new entry that I could. I would obsessively check websites and scour the internet for the…

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Review: Rocket League on Nintendo Switch

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Rocket League has been one of my most anticipated Switch releases this year. The demolition derby/soccer-hybrid has been a smash hit since its release back in 2015, and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping. Psyonix porting Rocket League to Switch, with the help of Panic Button, was a no-brainer,…

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Review: Skyrim on Nintendo Switch

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, News, Switch

Disclaimer: Due to the fact that Skyrim has made its rounds to other major consoles over the years, we spent the majority of the review below primarily focusing on how it performs on the Nintendo Switch and what this version offers in comparison to other console versions. For those of…

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