Review: Crystal Crisis

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

If you’ve been a frequent reader here you’ll know that I love Puyo Puyo, Panel de Pon, and other cute competitive puzzle games through and through. A new challenger has appeared in that block-busting, pattern planning ring thanks to Nicalis and a surprising assortment of partnerships. Off the heels of…

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Review: Team Sonic Racing on Switch

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Sonic is the fastest thing alive, but every so often he gets behind the wheel to give the rest of his friends a fighting chance. The latest entry in Sonic’s karting adventures, Team Sonic Racing, has a few noteworthy issues, but it’s overall a worthy successor to Sumo Digital’s previous…

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Review – Pokemon: Detective Pikachu

Categories: Reviews

When I was a kid, I used to imagine with the absolute wonder of a young boy what the world would look like if Pokémon were real. This thought was persistent, always sticking at the back of my mind because if I knew one thing, I knew it would be…

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Review: Mortal Kombat 11 for Switch

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Mortal Kombat 11 is like a perfect distillation of the modern AAA game industry. It’s a tug of war between game designers, artists, producers, and distributors. While the gameplay is the best it’s ever been, almost everything that happens when there isn’t a health bar on screen feels like it…

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Review: BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Switch, Reviews

  Back in the days of the 3DS, BoxBoy! was a surprising delight developed by the wonderful people over at HAL Laboratory. Spanning three games, Qbby adventured through hundreds of puzzles using his ability to spawn boxes from his body. The last entry in the series was titled Bye-Bye BoxBoy!,…

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Review: SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Reviews, Switch

My childhood memories of card-based video games aren’t pretty. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories made me want to throw my GBA across the room in frustration — Baten Kaitos went right over my head with its in-depth mechanics, and somehow I went into Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution…

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Review: Katana Zero on Switch

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Masocore games and I have gotten quite chummy over the past few years, from humble beginnings beefing up with Meat Boy to cathartic climbs up Mount Celeste. Dipped in the spicy sauce of nostalgia, it’s a genre rarely made for the faint of heart, rewarding only those with the perseverance…

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Review: Cuphead on Switch

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

When it comes to Nindies, I can think of no finer how-do-you-do than Cuphead’s overdue debut last month. Rumored and requested plenty, it took the combined effort of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Studio MDHR to pour this one out and meet the frothing demand of run ‘n gunners and animation fans…

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Review: Yoshi’s Crafted World

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Since Yoshi’s Island dropped on the SNES over two decades ago and became an instant classic, Nintendo’s foremost green dino has had a bit of a topsy-turvy career, with no successors quite living up to that initial game’s glory. Some suffered from age (Yoshi’s Story), others from gimmicks (Touch &…

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Review: Unravel Two on Switch

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

At last year’s E3, EA surprised everyone by simultaneously revealing and releasing Unravel Two, a followup to 2016’s universally adored Unravel. Despite the delight of the surprise, one thing was missing — a Nintendo Switch release for the game. Later, the developer gave an explanation, stating that a Switch release…

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