Review – Ask Iwata

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Features, Merchandise

Few figures in Nintendo’s history, or even gaming as a whole, are as fondly remembered as Satoru Iwata. Not just for the moments he created or the products he launched, Iwata had a sense of humility that isn’t often seen from people in his position. In the preface of Ask…

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Anniversary artwork marks 20 years of Animal Crossing

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Retro

On April 14th, 2001, Animal Forest hit the Nintendo 64 in Japan. As a very late release for the system, the franchise wouldn’t make its North American debut until the GameCube port, localized as Animal Crossing, released in September 2002. Europe got it even later in September 2004! Now, twenty…

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Poison Control marks its launch with a new trailer

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Nippon Ichi Software’s latest surreal action RPG Poison Control has hit the Nintendo Switch today in North America! Set in a pastel-colored hell, you’re tasked with purifying souls to stand a chance of returning to the mortal realm. If you want to see its stylishly strange combat in action, watch…

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Review – Star Wars: Republic Commando

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: Reviews, Switch

The year was 2005. The Wii was still only known as the Revolution. Halo 2 was the biggest game in the world. And everyone was gripped by Star Wars fever as Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was releasing that May. With a new Star Wars movie comes, of course,…

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