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Just because Monster Hunter Stories 2 is less than a month away doesn’t mean Capcom’s not still going to be rolling out new content for Monster Hunter Rise! As part of their E3 Showcase, a preview on the previously announced Capcom Collab 1 was given along with a rundown of what’s to come in the Rise Ver.3.1 update.

Leading that rollout is the Tsukino Layered Armor for your Palico. This’ll let them do their feline thing as the new character set to be introduced in Stories 2 (and hopefully to your amiibo shelf) on July 9th. You won’t have to wait that long to earn this reward via Event Quest though, as the Tsukino crossover content will arrive on June 18th.

Later on on June 24th, new Event Quests (and rewards) will be introduced with the newest update. These will include armor pieces, like leather pants and sunglasses, as well as new ways for hunters to communicate with each other, like gestures and stickers. Quick glimpses of each Event Quest were also provided, though their difficulties and ranks weren’t. Still, it might be a good time to put together some effective weapons while you wait!

Last will be new paid DLC, also arriving on June 24th. Like previous batches these will all be cosmetics, like Layered Armor and character voices. What I really gotta shout out though is the ability to make your Cohoot into a baby penguin. I haven’t spent a dime on Rise DLC, but this frigid friend just might break me…

More Monster Hunter Rise content will be released throughout July as well, including the Rider armor that’s earned by having Monster Hunter Stories 2 DLC on your system. After that it’s more Capcom Collabs, and who knows what else after summer.

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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.