Breath of the Wild is 13.4GB on Nintendo Switch

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

With the Nintendo Switch launching with a relatively paltry 32GB in-built storage limit (or 27gb once the operating system is factored in), it’s definitely raising eyebrows considering how large modern games can be. Often the biggest AAA titles run past the 50GB mark now, and even some smaller games are…

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Nintendo Switch Presentation review

Categories: Switch

We live in an era of hot takes and hasty judgment. In the age of social media, most things are prescribed with one of three labels – good, bad, or eh – before we quickly move on to the next piece of information. When confronted with a deluge of content,…

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What we expect from the Switch presentation

Categories: Switch

I can’t believe I’m actually typing this, but in just over a day we should finally have answers to all of the most important questions we’ve been asking about the NX Switch for the past couple of years. Though we have a basic understanding of how the device works, there…

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Badge Arcade News: 12/29/16

Categories: 3DS

The Badge Arcade is ushering in the New Year with some brand-spanking new badges featuring Ashley, Nikki and the Pokémon series! Also joining the party this week are a swarm of repeat Alolan pocket monsters, BOXBOY! buddies, and enough Rhythm Heaven high jinx to soften the grinchiest of hearts. EVERYTHING…

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eShop Update: Week of 12/8/16 (North America)

Categories: 3DS, Retro, Wii U

This week in the Nintendo eShop: Harvey and friends make a trip to camp New Leaf, Firebrand takes a break from harassing naked knights, and Samus’ most controversial adventure gets an-Other shot in the limelight. It’s a dismal day in the sales department, though that’s to be expected after the…

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Pokémon Sun & Moon pirates being locked out of 3DS online features

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS

While Pokémon Sun & Moon aren’t officially releasing until this Friday in North America it’s unfortunate to say the code for the games leaked early, with forums around the internet hosting all sorts of details regarding new Pokémon, story beats and miscellaneous secrets. Naturally Nintendo is none-too-happy with the leaks…

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