Impressions – Mark of the Ninja: Remastered

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: Switch, Features

Modern video games love stealth. It seems like a large chunk of single-player games that come out have some sort of stealth mechanics, from first-person shooters, like Wolfenstein, to hefty adventures like Spider-Man. Good stealth, however, is not as common. The aforementioned Spider-Man has relatively entertaining stealth sections, but they’re…

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Impressions: NBA 2K19

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Switch, Features

I like my sports games like I like my Smash Brothers: as wild and crazy as possible. Historically, my roommate and I use these realistic sports simulation games to make the game as ridiculous as we can. Making an entire team of the same player, customizing rulesets to create really…

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Echo Location: Gettin’ funky in Ostia

Categories: Switch, Features

Welcome back to Echo Location, where we speculate about which Echo Fighters could be the next potential candidates for the Smash brothers roster. Last time, the wonderful Ricky Berg talked about both the gooey and the godlike, and next time Logan Plant will once again take the reins. Today though,…

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