The next generation of Pokémon is here, and with every new set of Pokémon games come new and returning Pokémon for players to catch! Below is a full list of all the Pokémon you’ll be able to find in the region of Paldea. Keep reading for a full list of all the known Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet!
If you’re just interested in learning about the new creatures debuting in these games, check out our guide to all the new Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. If you want to know which Pokémon are exclusive to either Scarlet or Violet, check out our version exclusives guide.
How many Pokémon are in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
There are 400 Pokémon available in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. You can check out the full Paldea Pokédex below.
Paldea Pokédex
Here’s a list of all the Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Pokédex along with their Typing. Build a team for your playthrough by searching for your favorite Pokémon or by filtering by Type!
Pokédex Number | Name | Type |
#1 | Sprigatito | Grass |
#2 | Floragato | Grass |
#3 | Meowscarada | Grass/Dark |
#4 | Fuecoco | Fire |
#5 | Crocalor | Fire |
#6 | Skeledirge | Fire/Ghost |
#7 | Quaxly | Water |
#8 | Quaxwell | Water |
#9 | Quaquaval | Water/Fighting |
#10 | Lechonk | Normal |
#11 | Oinkologne | Normal |
#12 | Tarountula | Bug |
#13 | Spidops | Bug |
#14 | Nymble | Bug |
#15 | Lokix | Bug/Dark |
#16 | Hoppip | Grass/Flying |
#17 | Skiploom | Grass/Flying |
#18 | Jumpluff | Grass/Flying |
#19 | Fletchling | Normal/Flying |
#20 | Fletchinder | Fire/Flying |
#21 | Talonflame | Fire/Flying |
#22 | Pawmi | Electric |
#23 | Pawmo | Electric/Fighting |
#24 | Pawmot | Electric/Fighting |
#25 | Houndour | Dark/Fire |
#26 | Houndoom | Dark/Fire |
#27 | Yungoos | Normal |
#28 | Gumshoos | Normal |
#29 | Skwovet | Normal |
#30 | Greedent | Normal |
#31 | Sunkern | Grass |
#32 | Sunflora | Grass |
#33 | Kricketot | Bug |
#34 | Kricketune | Bug |
#35 | Scatterbug | Bug |
#36 | Spewpa | Bug |
#37 | Vivillon | Bug/Flying |
#38 | Combee | Bug/Flying |
#39 | Vespiquen | Bug/Flying |
#40 | Rookidee | Flying |
#41 | Corvisquire | Flying |
#42 | Corviknight | Flying/Steel |
#43 | Happiny | Normal |
#44 | Chansey | Normal |
#45 | Blissey | Normal |
#46 | Azurill | Normal/Fairy |
#47 | Marill | Water/Fairy |
#48 | Azumarill | Water/Fairy |
#49 | Surskit | Bug/Water |
#50 | Masquerain | Bug/Flying |
#51 | Buizel | Water |
#52 | Floatzel | Water |
#53 | Wooper | Poison/Ground |
#54 | Clodsire | Poison/Ground |
#55 | Psyduck | Water |
#56 | Golduck | Water |
#57 | Chewtle | Water |
#58 | Drednaw | Water/Rock |
#59 | Igglybuff | Normal/Fairy |
#60 | Jigglypuff | Normal/Fairy |
#61 | Wigglytuff | Normal/Fairy |
#62 | Ralts | Psychic/Fairy |
#63 | Kirlia | Psychic/Fairy |
#64 | Gardevoir | Psychic/Fairy |
#65 | Gallade | Psychic/Fighting |
#66 | Drowzee | Psychic |
#67 | Hypno | Psychic |
#68 | Gastly | Ghost/Poison |
#69 | Haunter | Ghost/Poison |
#70 | Gengar | Ghost/Poison |
#71 | Tandemaus | Normal |
#72 | Maushold | Normal |
#73 | Pichu | Electric |
#74 | Pikachu | Electric |
#75 | Raichu | Electric |
#76 | Fidough | Fairy |
#77 | Dachsbun | Fairy |
#78 | Slakoth | Normal |
#79 | Vigoroth | Normal |
#80 | Slaking | Normal |
#81 | Bounsweet | Grass |
#82 | Steenee | Grass |
#83 | Tsareena | Grass |
#84 | Smoliv | Grass/Normal |
#85 | Dolliv | Grass/Normal |
#86 | Arboliva | Grass/Normal |
#87 | Bonsly | Rock |
#88 | Sudowoodo | Rock |
#89 | Rockruff | Rock |
#90 | Lycanroc | Rock |
#91 | Rolycoly | Rock |
#92 | Carkol | Rock/Fire |
#93 | Coalossal | Rock/Fire |
#94 | Shinx | Electric |
#95 | Luxio | Electric |
#96 | Luxray | Electric |
#97 | Starly | Normal/Flying |
#98 | Staravia | Normal/Flying |
#99 | Staraptor | Normal/Flying |
#100 | Oricorio | Fire/Flying |
#101 | Mareep | Electric |
#102 | Flaaffy | Electric |
#103 | Ampharos | Electric |
#104 | Petilil | Grass |
#105 | Lilligant | Grass |
#106 | Shroomish | Grass |
#107 | Breloom | Grass/Fighting |
#108 | Applin | Grass/Dragon |
#109 | Flapple | Grass/Dragon |
#110 | Appletun | Grass/Dragon |
#111 | Spoink | Psychic |
#112 | Grumpig | Psychic |
#113 | Squawkabilly | Normal/Flying |
#114 | Misdreavus | Ghost |
#115 | Mismagius | Ghost |
#116 | Makuhita | Fighting |
#117 | Hariyama | Fighting |
#118 | Crabrawler | Fighting |
#119 | Crabominable | Fighting/Ice |
#120 | Salandit | Poison/Fire |
#121 | Salazzle | Poison/Fire |
#122 | Phanpy | Ground |
#123 | Donphan | Ground |
#124 | Cufant | Steel |
#125 | Copperajah | Steel |
#126 | Gible | Dragon/Ground |
#127 | Gabite | Dragon/Ground |
#128 | Garchomp | Dragon/Ground |
#129 | Nacli | Rock |
#130 | Naclstack | Rock |
#131 | Garganacl | Rock |
#132 | Wingull | Water/Flying |
#133 | Pelipper | Water/Flying |
#134 | Magikarp | Water |
#135 | Gyarados | Water/Flying |
#136 | Arrokuda | Water |
#137 | Barraskewda | Water |
#138 | Basculin | Water |
#139 | Gulpin | Poison |
#140 | Swalot | Poison |
#141 | Meowth | Normal |
#142 | Persian | Normal |
#143 | Drifloon | Ghost/Flying |
#144 | Drifblim | Ghost/Flying |
#145 | Flabébé | Fairy |
#146 | Floette | Fairy |
#147 | Florges | Fairy |
#148 | Diglett | Ground |
#149 | Dugtrio | Ground |
#150 | Torkoal | Fire/Flying |
#151 | Numel | Fire/Ground |
#152 | Camerupt | Fire/Ground |
#153 | Bronzor | Steel/Psychic |
#154 | Bronzong | Steel/Psychic |
#155 | Axew | Dragon |
#156 | Fraxure | Dragon |
#157 | Haxorus | Dragon |
#158 | Mankey | Fighting |
#159 | Primeape | Fighting |
#160 | Annihilape | Fighting/Ghost |
#161 | Meditite | Fighting/Psychic |
#162 | Medicham | Fighting/Psychic |
#163 | Riolu | Fighting |
#164 | Lucario | Fighting/Steel |
#165 | Charcadet | Fire |
#166 | Armarouge | Fire/Psychic |
#167 | Ceruledge | Fire/Ghost |
#168 | Barboach | Water/Ground |
#169 | Whiscash | Water/Ground |
#170 | Tadbulb | Electric |
#171 | Bellibolt | Electric |
#172 | Goomy | Dragon |
#173 | Sliggoo | Dragon |
#174 | Goodra | Dragon |
#175 | Croagunk | Poison/Fighting |
#176 | Toxicroak | Poison/Fighting |
#177 | Wattrel | Electric/Flying |
#178 | Kilowattrel | Electric/Flying |
#179 | Eevee | Normal |
#180 | Vaporeon | Water |
#181 | Jolteon | Electric |
#182 | Flareon | Fire |
#183 | Espeon | Psychic |
#184 | Umbreon | Dark |
#185 | Leafeon | Grass |
#186 | Glaceon | Ice |
#187 | Sylveon | Fairy |
#188 | Dunsparce | Normal |
#189 | Dudunsparce | Normal |
#190 | Deerling | Normal/Grass |
#191 | Sawsbuck | Normal/Grass |
#192 | Girafarig | Normal/Psychic |
#193 | Farigiraf | Normal/Psychic |
#194 | Grimer | Poison |
#195 | Muk | Poison |
#196 | Maschiff | Dark |
#197 | Mabosstiff | Dark |
#198 | Toxel | Electric/Poison |
#199 | Toxtricity | Electric/Poison |
#200 | Dedenne | Electric/Fairy |
#201 | Pachirisu | Electric |
#202 | Shroodle | Poison/Normal |
#203 | Grafaiai | Poison/Normal |
#204 | Stantler | Normal |
#205 | Foongus | Grass/Poison |
#206 | Amoonguss | Grass/Poison |
#207 | Voltorb | Electric |
#208 | Electrode | Electric |
#209 | Magnemite | Electric/Steel |
#210 | Magneton | Electric/Steel |
#211 | Magnezone | Electric/Steel |
#212 | Ditto | Normal |
#213 | Growlithe | Fire |
#214 | Arcanine | Fire |
#215 | Teddiursa | Normal |
#216 | Ursaring | Normal |
#217 | Zangoose | Normal |
#218 | Seviper | Poison |
#219 | Swablu | Normal/Flying |
#220 | Altaria | Dragon/Flying |
#221 | Skiddo | Grass |
#222 | Gogoat | Grass |
#223 | Tauros | Fighting |
#224 | Litleo | Fire/Normal |
#225 | Pyroar | Fire/Normal |
#226 | Stunky | Poison/Dark |
#227 | Skuntank | Poison/Dark |
#228 | Zorua | Dark |
#229 | Zoroark | Dark |
#230 | Sneasel | Dark/Ice |
#231 | Weavile | Dark/Ice |
#232 | Murkrow | Dark/Flying |
#233 | Honchkrow | Dark/Flying |
#234 | Gothita | Psychic |
#235 | Gothorita | Psychic |
#236 | Gothitelle | Psychic |
#237 | Sinistea | Ghost |
#238 | Polteageist | Ghost |
#239 | Mimikyu | Ghost/Fairy |
#240 | Klefki | Steel/Fairy |
#241 | Indeedee | Psychic/Normal |
#242 | Bramblin | Grass/Ghost |
#243 | Brambleghast | Grass/Ghost |
#244 | Toedscool | Ground/Grass |
#245 | Toedscruel | Ground/Grass |
#246 | Tropius | Grass/Flying |
#247 | Fomantis | Grass |
#248 | Lurantis | Grass |
#249 | Klawf | Rock |
#250 | Capsakid | Grass |
#251 | Scovillain | Grass/Fire |
#252 | Cacnea | Grass |
#253 | Cacturne | Grass/Dark |
#254 | Rellor | Bug |
#255 | Rabsca | Bug/Psychic |
#256 | Venonat | Bug/Poison |
#257 | Venomoth | Bug/Poison |
#258 | Pineco | Bug |
#259 | Forretress | Bug/Steel |
#260 | Scyther | Bug/Flying |
#261 | Scizor | Bug/Steel |
#262 | Heracross | Bug/Fighting |
#263 | Flittle | Psychic |
#264 | Espathra | Psychic |
#265 | Hippopotas | Ground |
#266 | Hippowdon | Ground |
#267 | Sandile | Ground/Dark |
#268 | Krokorok | Ground/Dark |
#269 | Krookodile | Ground/Dark |
#270 | Silicobra | Ground |
#271 | Sandaconda | Ground |
#272 | Mudbray | Ground |
#273 | Mudsdale | Ground |
#274 | Larvesta | Bug/Fire |
#275 | Volcarona | Bug/Fire |
#276 | Bagon | Dragon |
#277 | Shelgon | Dragon |
#278 | Salamence | Dragon/Flying |
#279 | Tinkatink | Fairy/Steel |
#280 | Tinkatuff | Fairy/Steel |
#281 | Tinkaton | Fairy/Steel |
#282 | Hatenna | Psychic |
#283 | Hattrem | Psychic |
#284 | Hatterene | Psychic/Fairy |
#285 | Impidimp | Dark/Fairy |
#286 | Morgrem | Dark/Fairy |
#287 | Grimmsnarl | Dark/Fairy |
#288 | Wiglett | Water |
#289 | Wugtrio | Water |
#290 | Bombirdier | Flying/Dark |
#291 | Finizen | Water |
#292 | Palafin | Water |
#293 | Varoom | Steel/Poison |
#294 | Revavroom | Steel/Poison |
#295 | Cyclizar | Dragon/Normal |
#296 | Orthworm | Steel |
#297 | Sableye | Dark/Ghost |
#298 | Shuppet | Ghost |
#299 | Banette | Ghost |
#300 | Falinks | Fighting |
#301 | Hawlucha | Fighting/Flying |
#302 | Spiritomb | Ghost/Dark |
#303 | Noibat | Flying/Dragon |
#304 | Noivern | Flying/Dragon |
#305 | Dreepy | Dragon/Ghost |
#306 | Drakloak | Dragon/Ghost |
#307 | Dragapult | Dragon/Ghost |
#308 | Glimmet | Rock/Poison |
#309 | Glimmora | Rock/Poison |
#310 | Rotom | Electric/Ghost |
#311 | Greavard | Ghost |
#312 | Houndstone | Ghost |
#313 | Oranguru | Normal/Psychic |
#314 | Passimian | Fighting |
#315 | Komala | Normal |
#316 | Larvitar | Rock/Ground |
#317 | Pupitar | Rock/Ground |
#318 | Tyranitar | Rock/Dark |
#319 | Stonjourner | Rock |
#320 | Eiscue | Ice |
#321 | Pincurchin | Electric |
#322 | Sandygast | Ghost/Ground |
#323 | Palossand | Ghost/Ground |
#324 | Slowpoke | Water/Psychic |
#325 | Slowbro | Water/Psychic |
#326 | Slowking | Water/Psychic |
#327 | Shellos | Water |
#328 | Gastrodon | Water/Ground |
#329 | Shellder | Water |
#330 | Cloyster | Water/Ice |
#331 | Qwilfish | Water/Poison |
#332 | Luvdisc | Water |
#333 | Finneon | Water |
#334 | Lumineon | Water |
#335 | Bruxish | Water/Psychic |
#336 | Alomomola | Water |
#337 | Skrelp | Poison/Water |
#338 | Dragalge | Poison/Dragon |
#339 | Clauncher | Water |
#340 | Clawitzer | Water |
#341 | Tynamo | Electric |
#342 | Eelektrik | Electric |
#343 | Eelektross | Electric |
#344 | Mareanie | Poison/Water |
#345 | Toxapex | Poison/Water |
#346 | Flamigo | Flying/Fighting |
#347 | Dratini | Dragon |
#348 | Dragonair | Dragon |
#349 | Dragonite | Dragon/Flying |
#350 | Snom | Ice/Bug |
#351 | Frosmoth | Ice/Bug |
#352 | Snover | Grass/Ice |
#353 | Abomasnow | Grass/Ice |
#354 | Delibird | Ice/Flying |
#355 | Cubchoo | Ice |
#356 | Beartic | Ice |
#357 | Snorunt | Ice |
#358 | Glalie | Ice |
#359 | Froslass | Ice/Ghost |
#360 | Cryogonal | Ice |
#361 | Cetoddle | Ice |
#362 | Cetitan | Ice |
#363 | Bergmite | Ice |
#364 | Avalugg | Ice |
#365 | Rufflet | Normal/Flying |
#366 | Braviary | Normal/Flying |
#367 | Pawniard | Dark/Steel |
#368 | Bisharp | Dark/Steel |
#369 | Kingambit | Dark/Steel |
#370 | Deino | Dark/Dragon |
#371 | Zweilous | Dark/Dragon |
#372 | Hydreigon | Dark/Dragon |
#373 | Veluza | Water/Psychic |
#374 | Dondozo | Water |
#375 | Tatsugiri | Dragon/Water |
#376 | Great Tusk | Ground/Fighting |
#377 | Scream Tail | Fairy/Psychic |
#378 | Brute Bonnet | Grass/Dark |
#379 | Flutter Mane | Ghost/Fairy |
#380 | Slither Wing | Bug/Fighting |
#381 | Sandy Shocks | Electric/Ground |
#382 | Iron Treads | Ground/Steel |
#383 | Iron Bundle | Ice/Water |
#384 | Iron Hands | Fighting/Electric |
#385 | Iron Jugulis | Dark/Flying |
#386 | Iron Moth | Fire/Poison |
#387 | Iron Thorns | Rock/Electric |
#388 | Frigibax | Dragon/Ice |
#389 | Arctibax | Dragon/Ice |
#390 | Baxcalibur | Dragon/Ice |
#391 | Gimmighoul | Ghost |
#392 | Gholdengo | Steel/Ghost |
#393 | Wo-Chien | Dark/Grass |
#394 | Chien-Pao | Dark/Ice |
#395 | Ting-Lu | Dark/Ground |
#396 | Chi-Yu | Dark/Fire |
#397 | Roaring Moon | Dragon/Dark |
#398 | Iron Valiant | Fairy/Fighting |
#399 | Koraidon | Fighting/Dragon |
#400 | Miraidon | Electric/Dragon |
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