Review: AI: The Somnium Files on Switch

Categories: Reviews, Switch

Among the wacky Japanese game director auteurs — the Kojimas, Kamiyas, and Yoko Taros of the world — few captivate me more than Kotaro Uchikoshi. Making a name for himself in the West with the superb Zero Escape series, Uchikoshi has an inventive eye for narrative design in the game…

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Review: River City Girls

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

For a genre that’s so well defined in its name, there’s a good deal of variety when it comes to beat ‘em ups. Somewhere between the poles of pure side-scrolling action and whatever stroke of genius God Hand was lies cult classic River City Ransom. The English localization of Downtown…

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Review: Creature in the Well on Switch

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Not gonna lie, I’m pretty ‘meh’ when it comes to pinball. They’re typically the most expensive games at the arcade and, more simply put, I’ve never been good at them. For whatever reason I’m the master at getting the ball to drop perfectly between the two flippers. Every time, without…

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Review: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered for Switch

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Nothing really screams ‘90s gaming nostalgia for me quite like the PlayStation era of Final Fantasy games. Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX are three of the most iconic games in RPG history, all with very distinct styles, storytelling, and tone. Final Fantasy VII was applauded for its modern take…

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Review: Oninaki

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Few studios’ oeuvres make me as ambivalent as Tokyo RPG Factory’s. Established in the wake of Bravely Default’s success in order to develop more classically styled JRPGs, TRPGF premiered in 2016 with I am Setsuna, which, despite being stylistically one-note and a mite derivative, was promising of things to come,…

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Review: Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

The storied history of Fire Emblem localizations is something I’ve delved into many times in the past, but at this point the series’ present speaks for itself. Here we are with a massive and contemporary title holding up Nintendo’s summer, letting the series’ growth speak for itself. Best of all,…

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Review: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Switch, Reviews

As Iron Man flies overhead firing repulsor beams at a dimensional rift channelling pure elemental fire, Miles Morales’ Spider-Man sets down some electric webbing to catch the possessed Doctor Strange off guard, giving Ms. Marvel the perfect opportunity to deliver a flurry of embiggened blows. Meanwhile, Ghost Rider is in…

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Review: Super Mario Maker 2

Categories: Switch, Reviews

I’ll say it loud and say it proud: Super Mario Maker is the best video game released for the Wii U home console. Not only is it a phenomenal showcase for the GamePad’s potential, but also fulfilled on the sky-high promise of infinite user created Mario stages for fans of…

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Review: Cadence of Hyrule

Categories: Switch, Reviews

From Mario invading Rabbids to Star Fox barrel rolling through Atlas, Nintendo’s no slouch when it comes to licensing out their franchises to third-party developers. The Legend of Zelda in particular has been around the block a few times, having three mainline entries — Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons,…

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Review: My Friend Pedro on Switch

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Ever wondered if fruit could talk, what wisdom they’d impart? Apples would probably nag us to eat healthier, given their obsession with keeping doctors at bay. Berries would simply blather on about the past thanks to their uncanny ability to ‘member stuff. As for Pineapples… let’s be honest. They’d undoubtedly…

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