Speedrun Sunday: A twinstick tumble to the top

Categories: Switch, Videos

Welcome to Speedrun Sunday: that sadistic time of the week when we dare to challenge both your D-pad’s durability and sanity’s stamina with the ultimate test in video game bragging rights. Hot off the body strewn battlefields of our Fire Emblem Warriors challenge comes yet another ruthless run that will…

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Review: Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been a fan of Pokémon. For more than 20 years I’ve eagerly awaited new releases in the series, devouring every new bit of information about every new entry that I could. I would obsessively check websites and scour the internet for the…

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Nintendo showcases its Switch line-up for Christmas

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

With the holidays just a few weeks away, we’re sure plenty of you, regardless of age, are hoping to get gifted a Nintendo Switch this year. To make the idea even more enticing, Nintendo Australia has released a new festive video showcasing the impressive line-up of games already on offer…

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