Badge Arcade News: 7/29/16

Categories: 3DS, News

A single, solitary Dr. Mario catcher headlines the Badge Arcade today. Exactly why anyone would trust a plumber to prescribe them medication for fighting off deadly viruses still remains unclear. Let’s hope Mario saved up enough coins on his adventures to afford night classes at a prestigious medical school, though…

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Kirby Café to get an official soundtrack

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Merchandise

The opening of the first Kirby Café in Japan is right around the corner, and on top of the massive number of Kirby-themed treats and merchandise a new exclusive product has been announced – a soundtrack CD! Titled “The Sound of Kirby Café”, the soundtrack features relaxing remixes of classic…

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Giant Ditto plush announced for Japan

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Merchandise

A few days ago, we reported that a massive Snorlax bean bag was coming to the U.S. courtesy of Think Geek. Today, thanks to the folks at PokéShopper, we get our first look at a larger than life Ditto plush heading to Japan this August. The plush retails at 13,000…

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Strummin’ up fun with Yooka-Laylee’s Toybox

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Wii U

Starting up the Yooka-Laylee Toybox on PC was equal parts something brand new and something supremely familiar to me. Having grown up on the likes of 3D platformers including, but not limited to, Super Mario 64 and the more related Banjo-Kazooie, I knew exactly how to control this new duo….

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