Chicken Wiggle | Nintendo 3DS Gameplay
We play through the first ten minutes of the upcoming 3DS platformer Chicken Wiggle. It’s heading to the Nintendo 3DS on August 17th!
We play through the first ten minutes of the upcoming 3DS platformer Chicken Wiggle. It’s heading to the Nintendo 3DS on August 17th!
This week in the Nintendo eShop: Sonic takes us back to the future, Phantom Trigger delights with its pretty pixels, and the Galactic Federation retires from hunting Space Pirates to paint things with their butts. Switch sales continue to trickle in this week with the ever Graceful Explosion Machine marked…
UPDATE: The Monster Hunter Stories demo is now live in the North American 3DS eShop. Have fun, folks! Less than a month away from its release date, a demo for Monster Hunter Stories is out in Europe and will be available later today on the 3DS for US players. Nintendo…
Few game franchises quite capture the feeling of summer like Splatoon, with its sunny stages and vibrant colors perfectly encapsulating the best of the season. Now Splatoon 2 is about to get even more tropical though, with new summer-themed gear heading to SplatNet 2 starting August 11th. All you need…
Earlier this week, Darkrai got its own Pokkén Tournament DX trailer. Today, we’re getting a look at another fighter who was exclusive to the arcade version of the game, Empoleon! Being the final evolved form of a water starter, most of Empoleon’s moves are all about soaking foes, from…
Do you like fun? Do you have friends? Do like having fun with your friends? Then you need to consider grabbing the Jackbox Party Packs. While not every game is created equal in a given collection, as a whole the franchise has been great for parties with just about anyone,…
Get those orbs ready everybody, the upcoming Fire Emblem Heroes Focus is going to be a good one. Announced back during the recent Feh Broadcast, the chosen heroes will be available at a 5% chance instead of the more typical 3% and are described as being good for those just…
Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled…
After teases, hints and all kinds of hoping, it looks like we have solid confirmation that Super Meat Boy is going to die and die again on a Nintendo Switch near you. The notoriously difficult platformer’s found its way onto plenty of systems in the past, but with The Binding…
Toys”R”Us isn’t the only retailer celebrating Pokémon Sun & Moon Burning Shadows’ release. Instead of a promo card of Stufful, GameStop is having a bit of a digital giveaway – a Salazzle for your copy of Pokémon Sun and/or Moon! The Salazzle will be level 50 and have the Corrosion…
In less than a week, I’ll be speeding through the hybrid nostalgia trip/step forward that is Sonic Mania, and for the second day in a row, Sega has a new video up to mark the occasion. This time it’s a new music track for mini bosses called “Danger on the…
Since the game was announced, I’ve wanted to see how certain classes would play and behave in Fire Emblem Warriors. Pegasus Knights were at the top of that list, and thanks to the reveal of Awakening’s Cordelia, we can finally get a brief look. While nothing indicating a greater sense…