Nintendo Wiretap (9/11/17)

Categories: Uncategorized

Please understand: Today’s edition of the Nintendo Wiretap does not include the video version in lieu of tonight’s Nintendo Newscast. The video, however, will return for the Wiretap on Wednesday! Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best,…

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Developers share new Wargroove details

Categories: Uncategorized, News, Switch

The upcoming indie game for Nintendo Switch that is tugging on those Advance Wars heartstrings, Wargroove, has been detailed even more, courtesy of the game’s developer blog. Today Rodrigo from the dev team shared how the game is handling the archer class, abilities (mainly passive) and reinforcements. If you’re looking…

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ARMS game modes explained

Categories: Uncategorized, News, Switch

In yesterday’s ARMS Direct, Nintendo delved into the various gameplay modes and challenges that ARMS has to offer. As per a press release, Nintendo has conveniently divided these smackdowns into two main categories – Versus Mode and Multiplayer Gaming. Versus Mode: ARMS is filled to the brim with fun modes…

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Reflection: Building a team of friends at Nintendo Wire

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Uncategorized

Six months ago, I sat down for a Skype interview with Happily Candied and Amiibo Jason. I had spent the previous three weeks agonizing over each individual word, sentence and paragraph of my application for (now, a website I’d been following since the very beginning of its existence….

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