Review: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Ever since its superpowered inception, Mario Kart’s been a defining tour de force for showing off Nintendo’s latest console creations. From the 64-bit system’s penchant for four player multiplayer mayhem to the Wii’s focus on intuitive motion control steering, the flagship franchise makes it a point to use every trick…

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New Splatoon 2 clothing teased by Nintendo Japan

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Switch

The official Splatoon 2 Twitter account in Japan has teased some new clothing items that will be featured in the game when it releases this July. A series of items from the sports apparel company known as Aroma was introduced and will include sneakers, hats and t-shirts.   We’re certain…

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Review: Kamiko

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Games are a funny business. Sometimes we purchase AAA titles that we ditch after a few hours, and other times we find dinky little flash games that keep us up all night. Some lengthy experiences can feel empty and devoid of value, while shorter games can have a profound influence…

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