Square Enix to “aggressively” make games for Switch

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Being the start of November, most companies are releasing their earnings reports for the first few months of the fiscal year, with the latest gaming company being Square Enix. The Wall Street Journal’s Takashi Mochizuki has provided us with an immediate translation of the company’s earning briefing, and it has…

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ARMS opens the door on what looks to be a new arena

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Switch

Biff, that yellow fellow with a head growth he should really have checked out, has managed to stumble onto quite a find. Looks likes ARMS is getting a new arena, hidden deep in the forest and forgotten by time.   本日は史跡観光のレポートをお届けします!夏休みのカフェストリートのレポートではカメラを壊すという失態を演じましたが…今回は頑張ります! さて、森の奥深くに眠るこの遺跡…ARMS協会の設立よりもはるか以前から、"のびーる"格闘が開催されてきた、神聖な格闘場らしいですよ! pic.twitter.com/ZFIbUnsCVc — ARMS(アームズ) (@ARMS_Cobutter) November 8, 2017  …

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Hiring spree at Grezzo hints at something “legendary”

Categories: 3DS, News, Switch

Grezzo is hiring! The developer in Japan is also having some fun with its latest job recruitment and it’s leaving us “legend” fans wondering. Enticing prospective programmers and designers, Grezzo is wording its current hiring spree as “let’s make a legend together.” With a quick glance at Wikipedia, it’s easy…

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Rock on into court with Apollo Justice character songs

Categories: 3DS, News

File this one into the “Unexpected Case” filing cabinet. While waiting for Apollo Justice’s debut into the world of law to finally head over to the 3DS and eShop, Capcom is adding some more goodies along the way — some songs made specifically for Apollo Justice and his rival, Klavier…

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Personally looking back at Sonic’s 3D history

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Retro

I get a lot of flak for being such a big fan of the Modern Sonic games. The truth is, I’ve always had a much bigger connection to Sonic’s 3D offerings than his more well-received 2D outings. Now, on the launch day of Sonic Forces, I’m here to lay out…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct summary

Categories: News, Switch

After an absolutely stellar year of releases, Nintendo has one last game to release at the beginning of December: Xenoblade Chronicles 2. And since that’s less than a month off now, it’s only natural that a Direct starring the massive RPG would air. Here’s everything that happened during the Xenoblade…

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