Pokémon Rumble Rush service to shut down in July

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Mobile

Back in May 2019, The Pokémon Company dropped another free-to-play mobile game onto Android devices – Pokémon Rumble Rush. The latest in the Rumble series, which got its start as a WiiWare title, Rumble Rush was also one of the games to get My Nintendo support, with the ability to…

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Nintendo opened its pockets for ads in March

Author: Caleb Mina
Categories: News, Switch

If you feel like you’ve been seeing more ads around featuring Nintendo, chances are you’re not alone: according to VentureBeat and iSpot TV, Nintendo spent an estimated $14 million on TV ads in March.  This estimation would be over $3 million more than February, while that number blew all other…

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New 1 PokéCoin bundle in Pokémon GO’s in-game shop

Categories: Mobile, News

As anyone could have probably guessed, current self-quarantine and social distancing practices and ordinances in place around the country and world have majorly affected games like Pokémon GO, which rely on people’s ability to go out and explore their towns, parks, and other public spaces. It’s almost heartbreaking to see…

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