Badge Arcade News: 6/21/16

Categories: 3DS, News

The Nintendo Badge Arcade’s week-long Zelda celebration continues with two repeat catchers from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! There are also three repeats containing various Fire-type starter Pokémon for those that missed them the first time around. Free play? Yes — a double dose! Practice catcher: Speaking of the…

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New Miitomo Drop stages are jurassi-rific!

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Mobile, News

Three new Miitomo drop stages just went live, and they’re all about dinosaurs! The first stage will give you the chance to win pieces to a full on T-Rex costume! The second stage will let you sink your teeth into a dinosaur bones costume, along with a cute little Pteranodon…

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Collectors Corner: GameCube controller

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: News, Merchandise, Retro

Welcome to Collectors Corner! Each week I’ll be bringing you a special article on the special editions of consoles and other Nintendo merchandise that I love. Ever since I was a kid Nintendo’s special editions have stood out to me, and I’m excited to share that passion with you all….

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Smash Seminar: Introduction

Categories: News, 3DS, Wii U

Two players sit hunched in their chairs, eyes fixated upon the CRT television in front of them. Their hands move at rapid speed, inputting hundreds of actions per minute as their characters dance around on the screen. They’ve been playing the game for years now – these actions are second…

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Badge Arcade News: 6/20/16

Categories: 3DS, News

The Nintendo Badge Arcade’s week-long Zelda celebration continues with two new catchers from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds! Free play?: Yes — two! Practice catcher: It’s the final day for the Pokémon and Cat Mario Show badges currently in the Arcade, so don’t miss your chance at…

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Monolith Soft is helping develop Breath of the Wild

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch, Wii U

It turns out there’s a bigger team behind the expansive Hyrule in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild than we first thought – Monolith Soft, the team responsible for the open-world Xenoblade Chronicles X, has been helping out with development. Veteran designer Shigeru Miyamoto has given more specific…

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Starr Mazer headed to Wii U, 3DS

Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Those hoping for a Nintendo console release of Kickstarter-backed project Starr Mazer can celebrate: Wii U and 3DS versions of the game are in the works. Starr Mazer is a genre fusion of point-and-click adventure and 2D shooter, utilizing pixel art and 8-bit music not unlike that found in indie…

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