Summer of Splat coming to Splatoon in the U.K.

Categories: News, Wii U

With the launch of five new Splatoon amiibo today, it seems that Nintendo is trying to give Splatoon a second push of popularity. However, Nintendo U.K. is taking it a step further with the Summer of Splat, a newly announced series of events in which players of various skill levels…

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Preview: Pokémon GO

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Mobile, Features, News, Reviews

Disclaimer: This preview is based on the first build of the game when servers were extremely strained. We’ll continue to update the preview as the mobile experience smooths out. Pokémon GO, a joint effort from Niantic and The Pokémon Company, was announced back in September of 2015, and seemed like…

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Badge Arcade News: 7/7/16

Categories: 3DS, News

All new Mega Man Legacy badges have beamed into the Nintendo Badge Arcade today! Collect all 48 robot masters and their stage select portraits from Mega Man 1-6, not to mention my personal favorite character in the series: the infamous blue bomber’s older brother, Proto Man! [Whistle] Free play?: Yes!…

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Review: 7th Dragon III Code: VFD

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

I want to give Sega credit for two bold moves: First, the company’s released the fourth game in its handheld dungeon-crawler JRPG series 7th Dragon in the West, making it the first in the series to leave Japan. Second, bless the people at Sega who saw that title and didn’t…

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Pikmin 4 is still in the works, but it’s not a priority

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

Followers of Nintendo news may remember the rather bizarre and modest announcement of Pikmin 4 last year in September. At the time Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that not only was the game in development, but also that it was “actually very close to completion.” Naturally many are curious why we haven’t…

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New Poison/Fire type Pokémon Salandit revealed

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, 3DS

Well this is a surprise! During a Japan Expo panel in Paris, Pokémon director Junichi Masuda revealed a brand new Poison/Fire type Pokémon: Salandit. Check it out in action: The Pokémon Company has also given a more detailed description of the new Toxic Lizard: Salandit emits toxic gas, together with…

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Kirby-themed café coming to Japan this August

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: News

Ever wanted to see your favorite pink puffball in pastry form? What about a Waddle Dee rice cake? If so, your dream will be realized come August! Opening exclusively in Japan, a new café – aptly named Kirby Café – will be designed with Dream Land in mind, and will…

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