Character Column: Fire Emblem’s Hector changed the way the series characterized its main lords

Categories: 3DS, Features, Retro

Welcome to the Character Column! Each week, I’ll be taking a look at a different character from Nintendo’s long and esteemed history, and I’ll analyze what makes them interesting, nuanced, or just plain memorable. Whether they’re heroes, villains or NPCs, I’ll explain why they deserve respect or love from the…

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Kirby and the Rainbow Curse: Masterfully molded

Categories: Wii U, Features

As a spiritual successor to 2005’s critically acclaimed Canvas Curse, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse had a lot of inspiration to draw upon. While sequels typically try to outperform their predecessors by upping the ante and expanding on core gameplay mechanics, Rainbow Curse instead sticks to a less is more…

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Character Column: EarthBound’s Photographer shows how memories can be just as important as the journey

Categories: 3DS, Features, Retro, Wii U

Welcome to the Character Column! Each week, I’ll be taking a look at a different character from Nintendo’s long and esteemed history, and I’ll analyze what makes them interesting, nuanced, or just plain memorable. Whether they’re heroes, villains or NPCs, I’ll explain why they deserve respect or love from the…

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Kirby Triple Deluxe: Sub-game superiority

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, Features

Kirby’s first, original outing on the 3DS came along to me at a time where it was sorely needed. It was right in the middle of my college years, and I needed something to keep me going on those days that just seemed to go on forever. Between classes and…

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