Next Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 update info coming as part of Puyo Day broadcast

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Switch

Puyo Puyo has grown steadily in the west, but in Japan all that progress happened a long time ago. Puyo is a lot more recognized in its home country, to the point Sega can host a live broadcast program for what it’s calling Puyo Day!   2月4日は「#ぷよの日」!「ぷよの日2021生放送」2/3(水)20:00~配信ぷよ! 『#ぷよテト2』無料アップデート第2弾の情報や、『#ぷよクエ』『ぷよぷよeスポーツ』最新情報、おなじみ「生まんざいデモ」など、「ぷよぷよ」を楽しめるコーナーが盛りだくさん! 特設サイト⇒…

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Astral Chain IP is now officially wholly owned by Nintendo

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Earlier this year, eagle-eyed fans noticed that the Astral Chain website had changed its official copyright information from “© 2019 Nintendo / PlatinumGames Inc.” to simply “© 2019 Nintendo”, resulting in a lot of speculation that Nintendo had obtained full ownership of the IP. It turns out they were spot…

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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is way more ambitious than it originally seemed, Babu Frik confirmed as a playable character

Categories: News, Switch

The latest entry in the Lego Star Wars franchise was already shaping up to be a grand celebration of the films, featuring space combat, planets from each film, and an open-world structure. Thanks to an interview in the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, it seems those initial lofty reports…

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Point-and-click adventure Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bone Town announced for Switch

Categories: Switch, News

The point-and-click genre always has such intriguing and exciting air about it. From its gameplay that requires out-of-the-box thinking, to its ability to tell interactive stories in a way that’s accessible to just about anyone. Imaginarylab’s debut game has those fundamentals baked deep into its core, having been inspired by…

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