Review: Rhythm Heaven: Megamix

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

Rhythm Heaven as a series holds a special place in my heart for a lot of reasons. Top of the list would be playing through the entirety of Rhythm Heaven Fever with a close group of friends in one night, trading off the controller every game. To this day, we’re…

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Review: Kirby Planet Robobot

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

Two years ago when Kirby Triple Deluxe came out it was a return to form on the handheld front for this classic Nintendo hero. Taking several stylistic cues from the Wii’s Kirby Return to Dream Land, Triple Deluxe was fun, fully-featured and managed to look spectacular the whole way through….

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Review: Kick & Fennick

Categories: Reviews

When I logged onto the Nintendo eShop to download my copy of Kick & Fennick, I had little idea of what sort of adventure I was about to embark on. The reasoning behind my intentional ignorance was simple: I wanted to enter my playthrough lacking any preconceived notions about the…

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Review: Pocket Card Jockey

Categories: Reviews

Solitaire and horse racing are two concepts one normally wouldn’t associate with one other. At first, it sounds like an imperfect pair: peanut butter and cement mix; peaches and bleach; Paper Mario and stickers. However, with Pocket Card Jockey, Pokémon developer Game Freak has once again proven that sometimes the…

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Review: Star Fox Guard

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, News, Wii U

When Shigeru Miyamoto revealed Project Guard at E3 2014, I wasn’t impressed. The title seemed gimmicky and uninteresting, and while I trust the man behind it there are never guarantees when it comes to games. I forgot about it over time: another bad sign in terms of what it could…

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Review: Star Fox Zero

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, News, Wii U

It’s been nearly 19 years since Star Fox 64 was released on the Nintendo 64. I can still remember the feeling of picking up the game for the first time, plugging in my Rumble Pack, and taking flight with Fox and friends on an adventure to save the galaxy. Now,…

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Review: Bravely Second: End Layer

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

Disclaimer: This is a review of a European copy of Bravely Second, which was released February 26th, 2016. Back when Bravely Default launched for the 3DS it was something of a revelation. Turn-based JRPGs weren’t nearly as massively popular as they once were, and fewer and fewer were being developed,…

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Review: Hyrule Warriors Legends

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, 3DS, News

Hyrule Warriors Legends serves as both an expansion and a retooling of its console-based older brother. When it was released in 2014, my friends and I frequently gathered around the Wii U and traded off turns to head through the game’s story, or Legend, mode. It was a fantastic time…

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Review: Pokkén Tournament

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, News, Wii U

One thing I’m not sure I ever expected to see in my lifetime was the crossover between Pokémon and a fighting game. While the Pokémon franchise has never failed to entertain its fans, one thing the series has never really offered is a fast-paced play style more akin to that…

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Review: Fire Emblem Fates

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Uncategorized

Fire Emblem, one of Nintendo’s longest lived franchises, had never enjoyed the kind of success in America that it does in Japan. Sure, Marth and Roy finding their way into Super Smash Bros. Melee allowed for the games to gain enough traction to see their first localization in 2003, but…

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Review: Mega Man Legacy Collection

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

Mega Man Legacy Collection is a long-awaited return to the classics that every fan of “The Blue Bomber” has been waiting for. Never having played a Mega Man game in the past, I decided to tackle this game head on and see what all the hype and excitement was about–…

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Review: Final Fantasy Explorers

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

As the most recent co-op experiment in the Final Fantasy universe, Final Fantasy Explorers combines a hefty dose of series nostalgia with a borrowed multiplayer mission structure to a surprisingly fresh effect. While it’s exceedingly light on story, and inarguably repetitive, Explorers’ take on cooperative questing still makes for a…

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